Sunday, 23 June 2024

Breakdown Of Alternate Timelines And The Multiverse

Hello everyone,
Once again it's Qwecy Kwabi and I'm back with another exciting and thought provoking theory. On today's article we're going to dive into the far fringes of science and spirituality, and the topic for today is none other than the many worlds theory or what is also known as the multiverse theory. Far from being something only within the domain of junk science and the hush-hush conspiracy circles, the multiverse is in fact a widely known phenomenon which has been imortalized by pop culture, from science fiction novels (mine included) to films and television series across various eras.
So what then is the multiverse? Simply put the multiverse is simply an idea that proposes the possibility of the existence of other universes or worlds just like the one we find ourselves in and the idea usually suggest the existence of countless different or similar versions of everything we have in our world or universe and sometimes too different variations of events across the many worlds.
So where did this idea come from exactly? Let's start from the ancient world and see what the various cultures and belief systems had to say. We'll first take a look at the Vedic religion Hinduism which is by far the oldest in the world and it asserts that our world or the reality we find ourselves in is not the only one in existence but one of numerous other worlds, some good, some not good and others a cross between the two, these include a world with oceans made of honey and another with oceans made of milk, with ours being the world with oceans made of salt, fantastic isn't it? The Abrahamic religions also have a many worlds theme of the heavens, the earth and the underworld (hell), all these being different worlds on their own. Various mythologies from the ancient world also spoke of something similar most notably the Norse mythology from Europe which depicted a nine-realm cosmos, each realm being a separate universe with it's own ecosystem and beings, the same can be said for other cultures and civilizations across the ages, such as the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Mesoamerica and the various ethnic groups of Africa.
Now let's see what modern day mainstream science which has a rather divided view or mixed opinion of the multiverse theory has to say. Some modern day astrophysicists and other scientists such Neil deGrasse Tyson Michio Kaku, the late great Stephen Hawking, Laura Mersini-Houghton and Don Page among others have proposed that indeed the multiverse does exist and some of them have to gone to great lengths to find evidence for that through research. However there are some some skeptics most notably Sabine Hossenfelder, David Gross, Paul Steinhardt and others who have argued against the existence of the multiverse.
The multiverse is a strong theme across pulp culture and various works of fiction, even more so nowadays with the release of movies such as Marvel's Spider Man: No Way Home, Doctor Strange and it's 2022 sequel which explores parallel earths, Everything, Everywhere All At Once and even the soon to be released Deadpool sequel. Even though there is a growing interest now in the many worlds concept it's been around for a very long time with fantasy books such The Arabian Nights, Alice In Wonderland, The Chronicles Of Narnia, The Wizard Of Oz and Peter Pan depicting other worlds which are similar yet different from ours. The multiverse is also a prominent theme in science fiction as seen in the works of authors such as Edwin A. Abbott who wrote Flatland, H.G Wells, author of The Time Machine, Philip K. Dick author of The Man In The High Castle and even myself included 😉.
The multiverse also plays a part in comic book with it's introduction in the early 1960s by DC Comics with the release of the issue 'Flash Of Two' Marvel Comics, Image Comics and others have also followed suit with various other stories.
Across various movies and television shows the multiverse also plays a major role and there's been quite a growing interest in it recently, movies like The One, released in the early 2000s features a multiversal serial killer portrayed by Chinese martial artist and actor Jet Li who goes across various worlds killing his doppelgangers and absorbing their life force, the multiverse is also heavily depicted in the science fiction series Fringe which featured an alternate universe much like our own but where events happened much differently.
With that said, we can now take a look at how the multiverse works and it's relation with time and of course space. When we look at our observable physical reality, we see trees, birds, people etc all these are made up of matter which one of the fundamental building blocks of the universe, the other two being space and time. Space can be defined as the vacuum or the containment unit of the universe and time being what keeps everything moving, our entire lives from birth to death is totally dictated by the element of time, for example we wake up at 5 am, to go school or work at 9, come back home at 5 PM, we have days, weeks, months, years, holidays, seasons and on a micro scale seconds, minutes and hours, even biologically the human anatomy is bound to time, from the menstrual cycles in females, growth of hairs, greying of hairs, wrinkles etc are all time influenced. However within our construct of time we are made to believe time is linear and moves in one straight direction and once a moment passes it's gone for good, but I and a few others are of a different opinion and we have reason to believe that time is indeed non-linear and not only does it flow in one direction but like a river it branches off into multiple directions each with it's own current, just as a tree grows branches, so does time branch off into other directions. Now these branching timelines become separate realities of their own even though they may be tied to the main timeline, these are what is referred to as alternate timelines. Alternate timelines usually come about from choices made within various realities, the choices and their alternatives all play out into reality hence there's the possibility of new worlds being created everyday from the choices we make or do not make, take for example you get to make a choice between going to college or joining the army and you stick with going to college, the other choice plays it's self out where another you elsewhere decided to join the army and their life turned out differently from yours, so every possibility we can imagine exists in a different reality. This is what was illustrated in the animated series 'What If?' by Marvel Studios based on the comic book issue of the same name. Different realisties coexist all at once and the possibilities are infinite, there's the possibility of a world where the the dinosaurs survived, evolved and even developed the ability to communicate with speech and humans went extinct as shown in the Image Comics animated series Invincible, a world where the Nazis won in World War Two, another one where the South won during the American civil war and even a world where rappers Tupac Shakur and the Notorious B.I.G are still alive! Yes it's possible, and another thing to keep in mind is that across these vast realities they're are countless different versions of each and everyone in our realities, in one reality you could be a centibillionaire and the richest person in the world, in another you could be a homeless person begging on the streets and so on.
There are also the possibility of universes with different laws of physics such as a universe where gravity does not exist, one made up of dark matter and another that is made of antimatter. There are also dimensions that are higher than our three dimensional reality and others below it, such as the popular 4th and 5th dimensions and the two dimensional 'Flatland'. I have coined a theory called 'Spatial and Temporal universes'. Spatial universes being the fixed realities that have existed since the big bang and Temporal universes being the new realities formed from the branching of timelines.
So if the multiverse does exist is the a way to make contact with other worlds or physically go there? The answer to that is little bit complicated, there's been stories people ending up in strange lands such as Admiral Richard E. Byrd who discovered a new world beyond Antarctica, the urban legend of a man who appeared at an airport in Japan in the 1950s with a passport from a country called 'Taured' which never existed in our world, he was detained at a hotel and the following day it was discovered that he had disappeared without a trace nothing forgetting the historical story of the green children of Wolpit. All these strange occurrences point out to the existence of realities beyond ours, the possibility of worlds stuck on top of our own and separated from each other by dimensional barriers, each world existing on a different frequency just like a television or radio with multiple channels all actively airing but you can only tune into one at a time. I am of the opinion that the barrier between dimensions sometimes becomes thin enough to allow passage from one side to the other.
I'll end today's article by one of the things that I've been working on and that is the Parallel Dimension Quest or PDQ for short, the idea of the late great Burt Goldman, a neurologist, author, metaphysicist and meditation guru who in his lifetime gained the nickname 'The American Monk'. He wrote about and coined the term 'Quantum Jumping' which is a mix of meditation and visualization that involves picturing oneself going through a portal into another dimension to meet a version of themselves that's already successful in whatever they desire to accomplish and taking advice from them and bringing back that advice and energy from the other dimension back to this world. The PDQ Modules is the step by step instructions on how to successfully perform a quantum jump. It's efficiency is up for debate but there are so many success stories from it that it's worth the try, I'll leave a link below for everyone to take a look at it.

Peace, Love and Abundance to everyone and see you all in the next article.
Namaste 🙏🍀❤️

Friday, 3 May 2024

Good People Create Monsters

Hello everyone, once again it's Qwecy Kwabi, author, blogger and you know the rest, I took some time off my blog to focus on other pursuits some of which will be discussed in the course of time. Today's article is one of the first things that came to mind on the first of May 2024, and this month also happens to be my birth month so it makes it even more special to me and comes from a place of heart and I'm flowing with the vibe. Right, now let's get into the good stuff.

Since the dawn of mankind the battle between good and evil has been prevalent in various cultures across the world, from religious texts, mythologies, music and other areas of life but most importantly in our day to day interactions with people and that's the topic of today's discussion. We can all agree there are two sides to the story and we have the 'good guys' on one side and the 'bad guys' on the other. Society through various moral principles, laws, tradition and customs have set aside certain behavioral traits which are deemed as good because they are more or less beneficial to everyone and then there are certain traits which are deemed bad or evil because they are not to the benefit of everyone and in certain situations where they are, the only benefit a small fraction of the masses.
I, myself am of a view, my perspective is that life isn't black or white (clearly defined) but full of various greys areas where the lines between 'good' and 'evil' intersect but that's my opinion however and should be taken with a grain of salt.
With that said we'll take a look at certain character traits that puts people in a positive light and those that puts a negative view on people.

In our various interpersonal relationships with other humans behavioral traits or characteristics such as honesty, compassion, respect for others, humility, courage etc. are considered to be good and a person who displays such character traits is considered to be of good character or a good person. The opposite of such characteristics include dishonesty, cruelty, pride or arrogance, cowardice etc. and person who displays such behavior is considered a bad person. I will not be getting into the practical aspects of such characteristics as that would be an entirely new topic on it's own, however we are now going to delve into why people who are considered to be good are the ones responsible for creating bad people, this might sound critical and triggering to some but it's a necessary evil for the highest good of all, no pun intended.

I'll first start with the religious and spiritual narrative of God and the devil, a theme across various religions across the world notably the three Abrahamic religions and it's precursor Zoroastrianism, God (various identities) is portrayed as the embodiment of all that is good and light, the devil being an incarnate of evil and darkness. However what most people fail to critically examine is that God in 'his' perfection, wisdom and goodness was involved in the creation of the evil devil. The Christian Bible story depicts the devil as a being of light named Lucifer created by God that eventually turned against 'his' maker and sought to overthrow 'him'. What is worth looking at is that God allowed him to go about his way to wreak destruction on 'his' other creation but what truly caused Lucifer to turn against God is vaguely explained to be jealousy and envy, seeds of evil that originated out of nowhere in a being that was perfectly made out goodness to be a force for good, surprising right? I know, then to even make it more interesting, God 'himself' blatantly claimed in Isaiah 54:16 from the Bible to be the one who created the destroyer to destroy, that destroyer being the devil. Jacob and Joseph's actions from the Bible leading to the other siblings becoming jealous and eventually selling their brother into slavery and faking his death. In the Qur'an the devil is portrayed as angel named Iblis who was created by Allah (God) before mankind, however after he refused to bow before Adam (Man) God's newest creation whom he saw as beneath himself, he was banished from the presence of his creator for his defiance and became the evil one who tempts mankind. In Zoroastrianism however, Ormazd (God) a being of light and goodness and Ahriman (devil) a being of darkness were intertwined in a battle of good versus evil until they called a truce to let humans decide which side of the fence they wanted to be on, this contrasts the ideology of evil being an absolute just like good, a reflection of the underlying principle of duality. When we take a look at one of the many ancient Egyptian creation myths, the world was created by the goddess Ma'at with the help of the cosmic serpent Apep however a disagreement between the two led to a split which culminated into an eternal battle with Apep being the evil antagonist who opposes the good Ma'at, something which clearly could have been avoided if the two found common ground. 

Let's also take a look at pop culture and we'll see a prevalent theme of seemingly good people being responsible for creating monsters, one such example is that of Batman and Joker from DC comics, Joker was originally Jack Napier a failing stand-up comedian who was influenced by a gang to dress up as a costumed criminal character known as Red Hood to distract police during their criminal activities something he agreed to in order to make money to be able to take care of his pregnant wife but unfortunately for him, his wife died during childbirth along with the baby. To make matters even much worse for the already broken and grieving man, his farce as Red Hood caught the attention of an overzealous Batman who was in the early stages of his superhero career and wanted to make an example of any costumed criminal or villain he came across tracked down Jack and after a short chase that sent them to a chemical plant ended with the bat knocking him into a vat of chemicals that bleached his skin snow-white, his hair green and lips blood-red, that along with his already existing depression drove him completely insane leading to him taking on the Joker identity and going on to commit numerous atrocities to torment Batman. So here we see Batman a force for good being the one whose actions led to the creation of a sociopathic killer clown who became responsible for so much death and destruction within the DC universe, including the death of one of Batman's sidekicks and the crippling of another. Another example is the 2007 Disney animated movie Meet The Robinsons where the indirect actions of the well meaning main character Lewis in the past leads to his childhood friend Goob becoming a villain in the future and in the Marvel Cinematic Universe the good intentions of the superhero Iron Man led him to create the artificial intelligence Ultron to protect the world but it ended up becoming evil after seeing humanity as a threat to it's existence. I could go on about so many other examples of good and well meaning film, TV, video game or book characters that ended up creating villainous characters due to their actions and inactions.

In our everyday life's here on earth we see some of these parallels so many times from well meaning politicians and statesmen of various countries in the course of their actions to give their countrymen a better life end up injuring people in other nations either intentionally or unintentionally thereby creating enemies for themselves. A perfect example is the relationship between western world, Africa and the middle east. Through the overexploitation of the African continent over centuries in the best interests of Europe and America, a lot of afflicted young Africans in contemporary times has resorted to diabolical ways in order to get by such as the infamous Nigerian email scams and some of their victims end up being innocent and well meaning citizens of western nations whose better livelihoods were as a result of the injuries inflicted on Africa by their leaders or ancestors something they had no part in but indirectly responsible due to not knowing or caring to know about the plight of people in far away lands who have been hurt by the very system that gives them a good life. It's the same with middle eastern nations, the invasions by western nations in their quest for resources or to promote democracy and world peace over the years have created a deep resentment towards them by the natives of said nations and some of them have resorted to violent terrorist attacks to voice out their grievances. The world can never truly have peace unless leaders across the world seek the well-being of everyone and not only their own people as that would lead to stepping on the toes of others in the best interest of their various countries.

In our interpersonal relationships people of high moral standing like to look down on others of lower moral standing, the so-called lowlifes without even knowing or caring to know that they are sometimes responsible for the behavior of such people. We like to speak out against the snakes in the grass but these so called snakes in the grass are people that we have hurt either directly or indirectly with our actions and inactions and has created resentment towards us and that resentment can become a lethal bite against us should said people take action on those feelings. Not being there for people when they need someone, seeking one's own happiness at the expense of others no matter how well meaning you may be will create enmity against you, giving preferential treatment to one person or people and leaving out the rest creates resentment towards the favored ones and the person or people who put them above the rest even though they may be good people who are not at fault, we see this a lot of times at workplaces, schools, families and even religious settings. We create enemies for ourselves when we our own good and that of the people close to without seeing how it affects others, not reaching out a helping hand to others and being there for them when we could, judging people harshly without knowing their circumstances, all these and others action lead to the creation of rivals not matter how well meaning we may be, and those affected will go on to hurt other people because hurt people hurt people and it's a vicious cycle that must be broken through care, understanding and compassion for all. I believe if more people took pains to seek not only their self interests but that others as well, the world would be such a beautiful place to be. My advice is not only to have good intentions but to also the bigger picture of how our actions and words affects others.
Wishing everyone a happy new month and 'May' the odds forever be in our favor. Peace, love and light to all.
Ad Astra 🙏🧿❤️