Saturday, 12 November 2022

Saturn Was The Sun: The Saturn Moon Matrix And The Golden Age Of Saturn Explained

Hello everyone, I'm Qwecy Kwabi and today I'm here with esoteric knowledge on the planetary being known as Saturn. Coincidentally this article was written and published on a Saturday, which literally means 'Saturn's Day', right! Now let's dive in.
Ever wondered why people wear rings on weddings? Why Saturday is considered a sacred day by some religions? And why time is equated with money? I'll explain as we go further into the topic.
In mainstream science the planet Saturn is the sixth planet in our solar system and a gas giant or what scientists refer to as a failed star because it has the same chemical composition as stars most notably the sun. Also telescopic images of Saturn's north pole has shown a formation that looks like a hexagram or six pointed star which emits an Aurora. The planet is also notable for the rings which rotate around it which is primarily made up of ice. See the Wikipedia article on Saturn for more information.
The planet got it's name from the Roman god of the same name who was the god of wealth and agriculture, he was also the equivalent of the Greek titan Cronus, who was also an agricultural deity  and  the father of Zeus, the Greek equivalent of Jupiter. Notable for the castration and murder of his father Ouranous with a scythe or a sickle, the primordial god whom the planet Uranus is named after, Cronus was later conflated with the primordial god of time Kronos who's coincidentally another wielder of a sickle, that same being has been over the course of history reimagined as Father Time and also the grim reaper because according to Greek mythology Cronus ate his own children in a futile attempt to avert his own death at the hands of one of his offsprings, and also because all living things die eventually over time, hence time is the collector of souls or death personified, terrifying right? Let's move on.
In alchemy which is the occultic precursor of mainstream chemistry, Saturn is the element used in binding spirits into matter, in astrology Saturn is viewed as a malevolent planetary symbol and the bringer of karma, and a widely known fact within modern truther community is that Saturn is contained within an invisible black cube and a frequency known as a sine wave is emitted from the planet which is then transmitted to the earth through our moon which also amplifies it, that frequency is a time frequency said to be the cause of the unbalanced and evil nature of our world. The representative symbol of a sine wave is in the form of an overturned dollar sign, time is money right? It may be coincidental for some but a mindful person knows better. Symbolism is the way the powers that be hide truths in plain sight because the best place hide anything is in plain sight, nobody will bother looking for what's in front of them, that's reverse psychology. The black cube has been represented all across the world from religion to the entertainment industry with music videos depicting celebrities in cubes, the black cube in the 2001 movie, planet of the apes and other movies as well, the Kaaba (which is a black cube) in Mecca, the small black cube on the head gear of Jewish priests, the black cube monuments in Manhattan, Santa Ana, Australia and Denmark. That begs the question, why a black cube? Well a cube is a six sided figure just like the hexagram or six pointed star at the top of Saturn, hexagram comes from the root word hex, which means curse. Not surprisingly the ancients referred to a time when Saturn existed without it's rings but it was destroyed, chained with it's rings and cursed (that is hexed or put into the black box or cube), again not surprisingly, the word box has been used in our everyday language to refer to a restriction or being boxed that is being restricted. So are we being fed a frequency from a cursed or boxed celestial entity thereby putting us in our current state? Yes we are, some world religions, most notably the three Abrahamic can testify to that. Restrictions on conduct most especially enforced on women and the attribution of anything contrary to religious beliefs as a sin, the Bible clearly states that we're all born in sin but when critically observed through a mindful lens we're actually born in sine, the time frequency wave from Saturn, hence born in time, the 'e' was just removed from sine making it sin, there are more to words than the average person knows but I'll go into that on another topic. Remember I raised a question earlier about why people wear rings on weddings? Well now you know, the rings represents Saturn who's the 'Lord Of The Rings' and the book and movie series of the same name is a reference to that. The main villian of the Lord Of The Rings is named Sauron which is another name for Saturn, also Satan is the later Latin spelling of name Saturn, we're in Satan's world after all, aren't we?
The number six of which Saturn is designated is esoterically the mundane number, the number of the physical world or the worldly number, referred to as a weak number or a vile one, it is oftentimes associated with the mundane concepts of money, power, sex (which not surprisingly sounds like six, clever wordplay am I right?) and anything outside of spirituality. Remember I said earlier that Saturn is alchemical element for binding spirits into solid matter? Well we're all spirit beings (souled humans for that matter) trapped in matter and who put us here? Well you know who. Saturn or Satan has been reffered to as the god of the world and the Bible explicitly states that. Saturn symbolism is everywhere including engraved images in cathedrals and other religious motifs, across the entertainment industry (Sega Saturn haha), and a whole lot more, everything thing in this world is about planet six, we're in his world and he's our god. This is what has been reffered by some conspiracy theorists most notably David Icke as The Saturn Moon Matrix. See the link below for more information.
So why the moon? Well the moon is known to work in conjunction with Saturn to keep souls trapped in the matrix (this world), this knowledge goes far beyond modern spiritual and truther communities. In ancient Greece a group of truth seekers known as the Gnostics were heavily persecuted by the early Christian church because they believed in something other than the established narrative of the church. They believed that our world was not the actual one but a replica of a much more more divine and perfect one known as the Pleroma and the author behind our world was an imposter deity known Yaldabaoth or the Demiurge, who claimed to be the supreme God but was actually a rogue avatar of the actual unknown God, whom they referred to as the Monad or the one, the source of everything that exists, according to Gnostic teachings Yaldabaoth was formed from chaos, that is the absence of the light of God, by an emanation of God known as Sophia which represented the wisdom of God, this being wanting to create something without the permission of the Monad ended up creating a monstrous entity with the body of a serpent and the head of a lion, ashamed of her act Sophia hid her creation under a cloud beyond the higher heaven, alone in the darkness of nothingness Yaldabaoth or the Demiurge saw himself as the only being in existence, completely ignorant of the heavens and beings above him including his mother Sophia and set about creating a world of his own and declaring himself as the one true god, a world he created unknowingly with the light of Sophia, this brash pompous entity is the creator of this world we're in according to the Gnostics and also the author of our physical bodies but our spirit or souls comes from the light domain of the Pleroma which he siphoned and placed into containers (bodies) so our goal according to them was to break free of our physical body and ascend back home to the Pleroma, something the Demiurge and his minions known as Archons try to prevent by catching souls after people die and funneling them back to this world through the moon. The Demiurge according to the Gnostics was also the biblical God of the old testament, the Hebrew god Yahweh and also Saturn, they cited his jealousy, his harsh judgement on people who broke laws or did not serve him as their god, the atrocities committed in his name and overall warlike and vengeful character traits set him apart from the loving and forgiving God of the new testament who was the Monad and thus Jesus Christ came to the earth to save us from the Demiurge and lead us back home. This beliefs of theirs greatly conflicted with that of the church's ideology of the God of both the old and new testament being the same and led to their persecution. I wouldn't say everything the Gnostics advocated for was accurate, I recommend taking this with a grain of salt and doing your own research. So we now have a vivid picture of the nature of our world and what power is behind it, in the next paragraphs I'm going to explain why Saturn became so important not only because of the planet's association with a dark deity but because of what it stands for within human consciousness and our journey towards ascension and most importantly why we shouldn't fear or subscribe to the ideology of this world's Saturn cult obsessed with sex, money and power.
The reason I say Saturn was the sun was because it actually was. There was a time in our history when the luminary of the earth was Saturn. Ancient historians and writers most notably the Greek poet Hesiod spoke of a golden age when mankind lived in bliss and there was no strife, the people who inhabited the world were known as the Hyperboreans and Saturn was the sun during that golden age. The Sumerians and Babylonians referred to Saturn as the sun, even the ancient Egyptians at some point before the role of the sun was handed over to Ra (our current sun).
Even modern science has attested to that and there are some scientists who have theorized that the earth was once a satellite of Saturn, and we were shifted out of it's orbit due to a cataclysm.
With Saturn above us during those times, the ecosystem on earth might have been completely different from what we have now, there was plenty and the lack we see nowadays which leads to strife was non-existent, as I said earlier Saturn is the god of wealth and agriculture, so with this being hovering over the earth we can only imagine how it was back then.
Such was the impact of the Saturnian era that it has been imbedded in the collective consciousness of humanity and deep within us we long to go back to that golden age. From the celebration of Saturnalia by the Roman's at the of the year in December, which was a festival of joy, freedom and giving of gifts which was rebranded to Christmas by the Council of Nicea during AD 326 after Christianity became the established religion of the Roman empire, not much has changed since then as during Christmas in contemporary times people are in a jovial and giving mood as the Romans because unknowingly deep within our subconscious we're putting ourselves back in a state of mind reminiscent of the golden age.
So how did Saturn switch from a benevolent celestial entity to a malevolent sky father who imposes a harsh reality on earth? It all comes down to a cataclysmic event which happened in heavens in the distant past which was witnessed on earth. There was what appeared to be a clash of the planetary bodies, possibly them shifting out of their orbits and crashing into each other. Saturn exploded and later reappeared back in the heavens no longer in it's former glory and bound by rings, a new sun (our current sun Sol) took it's place and we shifted into a new age. The event in the heavens caused massive natural disasters across the world and brought about the end of the highly advanced civilization that inhabited the earth at the time, the survivors restarted from the ruins and carried with them memories of the golden age, legends which has been passed down from generations to generations.
Our current existence is what has been termed as a 3D or three dimensional existence, the people who inhabited the world during the golden age must have been in 5D existence, human consciousness on earth was in the fifth dimension and we live in perfect unity with each other, nature and the spiritual world, there was no strife and no being caused harm to another, a Utopia like the biblical garden of Eden.
Saturn which was sun at that time was highy revered as a bringer of light, abundance of food and was also instrumental in the calculation of time (just as our current sun used to be or still is), it was no surprise the seventh day during antiquity (Saturday) was named in it's honor.
We like our our ancient ancestors are all sun worshippers (red pill trigger alert) from the Christian to church on Sunday (Sun-day) or the Jew observing the Sabbath on Saturday (Saturn's Day), consciously or unconsciously we all revere the sun and it beyond religious or spiritual beliefs and whilst Saturn may not be the luminary during our day, his influence on us is visibly everywhere albeit in a dark sense, what is referred to as the death cult of Saturn. Check link below to read more on it.
So is there a way for mankind to ever go back to an existence like the golden age? Yes there is. The ancients referred to human consciousness as being in for cycles, the golden age, the silver age, the bronze age and the current age we're gradually shifting out of, the iron age. The Vedic masters (Hindus) called it the Yuga cycles, our current cycle is Kali Yuga, the age of strife and imbalance and the golden age is Satya Yuga and during the golden age the god Satyvrata who's the Vedic counterpart ruled skies and Dharma (morality) stood on four legs.
Satyvrata (Saturn) is the Lord of karma and our current harsh reality we feel is being imposed on us could possibly be him reflecting back the energy we put out to him, mostly likely our ancestors due to the abundance of resources and prosperity during the golden age grew complacent and pompous like most people do in our time and began to tamper with the natural order of things and that led to their fall. The fabled city of Atlantis and the tower of Babel from the Bible can attest to human beings messing with nature and nature clapping back in a disastrous fashion.
With all that said I strongly believe that through enlightenment and harmonious coexistence with each other and the world around us we can collectively shift from our current reality to the golden age of Saturn. I bid you all farewell and catch me on the next article on my blog.
Peace, Love and Positivity to all
Happy Saturn's Day πŸ™πŸΎπŸ€❤️
Check links below for the Wikipedia article on the golden age YouTube video on the topic.

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