Sunday, 27 November 2022

Darkness Is Not Evil : The Black Sun And The Demonization Of Blackness Explained

Hello everyone,
It's Qwecy Kwabi here again with another mind blowing universal truth.
Today's topic will dig into some really controversial social issues which might not sit well with some readers, so brace yourself for a bumpy descent through this rabbit hole.
In the new age movement and modern day spirituality cirlces there's a strong emphasis on light and love both generally good concepts and necessary for a person's development spiritually but the darker aspects of life is usually overlooked and the ones who do put in the time and effort the dark side view it as a beast or monster that needs to be tamed or a shadow that needs to be enlightened. It's true 'shadow work' can be very turbulent to say the least, however viewing it from the a negative lens is far from the whole truth. See a link to shadow work below
The much older established religions of the world most notably the three Abrahamic religions also share a similar concept of light being all that is good and true and darkness being synonymous with evil.
Outside the scope of religion and spirituality and into our everyday lives these two concepts are prevalent as well, when a person goes through hard times or a bad situation they call it a dark period of their life and when a person discovers a spiritual calling or conforms to accepted norms or morality, it is said that they have seen the light or have become enlightened, the color white is synonymous with light and black being dark, the black sheep is the outcast, painting someone black means in a bad 'light', being whitelisted means being accepted and being blacklisted means rejected and it goes on and on. In the entertainment industry this same theme is repeatedly used as well. In Star Wars, Luke Skywalker and the Jedi being on the side of the light are the good guys and Darth Vader and the Sith being on the dark side are the bad guys, movies, shows and music are said to have a lighter tone when they are comedic or even romantic but those that are more serious or gritty are said to have a darker tone. In tech ethical hackers are called white hats and malicious hackers are referred to as black hats. When you look at it all everything about our existence operates on this dualistic principle of light and darkness, good and evil. By virtue of said principle we virtually live in a black and white world. This concept goes way beyond contemporary times and historically the period after the fall of the Roman empire and the decline of civilization in Europe has been referred to as the dark ages. To get a clearer picture of it all let's go back to the golden age of the Roman empire, the period known as the Pax Romana.
In AD 313, the great Roman emperor Constantine decriminalized the Judean Nazarene faith with the edict of Milan and in AD 325 he convened with the patriarchs of the new religious sect in the first council of Nicaea to further establish it as the official religion of the Roman empire. The belief systems, customs and practices of other religions at the time were incorporated into the new religion and modified to fit into the narrative of the amalgamated religion which became Christianity. By AD 380 Christianity has grown to become a large encompassing religious entity and the Nicaean Catholic Church was the official church of the Roman empire. Below is a link to the Wikipedia article on the Council of Nicaea
Christianity which is by far the world's greatest religion spread far and across the world with an overarching principle of repentance from the ways of the world which is regarded as sinful (evil) and darkness and the promise of acceptance into the kingdom of God in heaven above which is the embodiment of light and goodness. Those who rejected this kind offer were damned to perish in a lake of fire known as hell.
By the fourteenth century Christian principles which had become synonymous with morality and was extended not only onto the conduct of mankind but also eventually on race as well. People with lighter skin tones (Caucasians) became known as white which stood for purity and people with darker skin (Melanated) were referred to as black meaning evil. Armed with this religiously backed ideology of racial and moral superiority the white race has committed numerous atrocities against dark-skinned people across the world from the horrors of slavery and colonialism to segregation and even to this very day and age racism is very much alive and in full effect. The descendants of these white supremacists to this very day still hold such ideologies programmed into them from childhood and would not hesitate to use violent means to express their views.
Now let's get down to what the black sun is and how it ties into all this. Mind you, what I wrote earlier is not for racial bashing or to judge others based on something as irrelevant as skin color but rather to the reader how disastrous the effects of ignorance could be. Ignorance is the real enemy and that's what my fight is against, my goal is to open the eyes of people to obvious truth in front of them that cannot see for themselves. Now to the good stuff!
To understand what the black sun is let's go all the way back to ancient Egypt known as Kemet during those times. The ancient Egyptians or Kemetic people worshipped a plethora of deities known as the Neteru, these included Auset (Isis), Heru (Horus), Ra, Ma'at and Osiris among others. These deities or gods were personifications of aspects of nature and the universe as a whole for example Ra who was the personification of the sun and Khonsu who was the personification of the moon. There however was a second mysterious sun god who was not only the personification of another sun (yes a second sun!) but was also known as the hidden one. This deity known as Amun and later Amen came to be known as the highest god in the Egyptian pantheon and was later coflated with the sun god Ra to become Amun-Ra or Amen-Ra. The named of Amen was invoked anytime somebody said a prayer during those times to ensure whatever they wished for manifested. Amen's sun which was a mystical black sun beyond the domain of the white sun above us (Ra) which gave light and life to the earth, rather powered our spirit and possessed the ability to grant our wishes and desires which we communicated to it. When Christianity became fully established after AD 325 invoking the name Amen was syncretized into the religion it became a norm to say Amen after a prayer. Also closing your eyes during prayers (copied from Egypt) was a way of tuning into the black sun, even to this very day and age most people unknowingly do it, praying or making a wish the eyes closed. So powerful was the color black that the ancient Greeks originally portrayed their gods as black, and the Christian Bible in books of Daniel 7-9, Daniel 10-6 and Revelations 1-14 describe the Ancient of days (God) and the son of man (Jesus) as having a skin like bronze and hair like wool, which directly translates to a black man with grey hair, it's no coincidence Morgan Freeman was chosen to play God in the movie Bruce Almighty. Hollywood knows more than we think and they're not afraid to rub it in our faces. Adolf Hitler who was by far one of the most despicable people to walk the earth through occult research became obsessed with the black sun and even incorporated it into Nazi symbolism but for him it was to terrorize and control, Neo-Nazis today have also adopted the same emblem. The Vatican which is a vital part of the power structure of the world, the so-called global elites are also fully aware of the divine connotations of blackness and has images and statues (idols) of black Mary and Jesus, whilst propagating false white supremacy behind closed doors they worship blackness, it's no wonder a photo of the Pope and another Catholic clergyman bowing down to black statues made rounds on the internet, they know exactly what they're doing and they make no attempt to hide anything. The Bible in the first chapter also clearly states that God formed the world out of darkness. As humans we're formed in darkness in the womb of our mothers, a vast majority of people on earth in the dark with the lights off because they feel much comfortable that way. I could go on and on about the benefits and divinity of blackness or darkness but I think I've got my point across by now.
So if darkness is not evil why then has it been so demonized? The answer is quite simple, ignorance and misconstruction of the concept of duality. In the book of Genesis from the Christian Bible before God said 'let there be light' there was nothing but the eternal void of nothingness, a primordial darkness that was and has always been, the light came out of darkness, before that there was the zero point of balance, close your eyes for some time in a meditative state and you'll directly experience that state of calm and balance. Imagine being peaceful asleep in a room with the light off and out of the blue someone turns on the light, yes! My point exactly haha, so the light which was a part of the eternal void (primordial darkness) was separated from the dark and that led to an imbalance that led to the clash between the two. The light being erroneously portrayed as positive and the darkness being the negative constant is as a result of a misconstruction of ancient dualistic principles over the ages of human civilization, the darkness being the opposer of all that is good and light and even at times seen as a destroyer (death) but when critically observed the light is the antagonizer, aggressively opposing and enforcing it's will on the dark. Light can blind a person, darkness does not, the devil who's the so-called prince of darkness and enemy of God is referred to as a being of light in the Bible, names such Lucifer son of the morning, the morning star and the light bringer all proves that point. In human history and interactions lighter skinned people have by far oppressed and done untold horrific deeds to people of darker complexions, again no racial bashing just stating an obvious fact.
I could again go on and on about light being an agressor and antagonist but I do think I have got my point across by now. Does that mean light is evil and darkness is good? Of course not! There's good and evil on both sides of the coin.
To conclude today's topic, there's light and there's darkness, there's good and there's evil, this goes beyond both spectrums and it would be foolish to confuse the dark for evil and the light for purity (good), it takes discernment to beyond the duality of these polar opposites. It takes the wisdom of darkness to appreciate the light.
With all that said I bid you all farewell and catch me later on the next article.
Positivity and wisdom to all.
Amen ⚫
Below is a link to a YouTube video on the black sun

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