Sunday, 4 December 2022

Root Races And Extraterrestrials Explained

Hello everyone,
It's Qwecy Kwabi yet again and today I'm going to do a breakdown on what we call aliens or extraterrestrials and the origins of humanity and our purpose in the grand scheme of things. Sit back relax and enjoy.
Ever wondered who or what we are? Where we come from? Are there places like where we find ourselves? And are there others like ourselves? These are some of the questions that have boggled the minds of people for many generations since the last grand reset of the universe approximately 24,000 years ago. Now you might be asking yourself what grand reset is Qwecy talking about, okay let me explain. Let's take a trip back to my previous article where I talked about the cosmic egg and how our universe was contained in an energy barrier or shell that shielded it from the void beyond which the ancients pictured as an egg, now not only are we in an egg-like structure but also our universe most notably our four earthly domains are structured like clockwork with it's own system of cosmic hours, minutes, seconds and days and just as we have in our day to day lives have 24 hours within a day, the universe also has 24,000 years in a cosmic day, and at the end of one cosmic day, there's a reset and shift into a new day, the last one being the sinking of Atlantis and the survivors (our ancestors) having to start all over again. Another thing to note is that a 1000 years is a cosmic hour, and that brings with it a change in existing paradigms, remember Y2K? Also just as we have four seasons each year, the universe also has it's own four seasons, or what is known as 'ages' or Yuga cycles as the Vedas (Ancient Hindu Sacred Texts) called them, these are the golden age (Satya Yuga), the silver age (Treta Yuga), the bronze age (Dvapara Yuga) and finally the iron age (Kali Yuga) these various world ages brings about changes in human consciousness as much as the various seasons with the year brings about changes in climate and weather conditions. Everything is a microcosm of a macrocosm and just as is above, so it is below. The golden age which is the cosmic summer is a season of enlightenment and the worlds at that time becomes a Utopia, the iron age which is the cosmic winter is a period of decline in human consciousness and an age of ignorance and destruction, that's the age we're evolving out of collectively, we're gradually shifting into a confusing bronze age (spring), this will account for the all the disclosure of previously hidden knowledge and information, and wave after wave of people waking up to all the horrific deeds of the so-called global elites and these new age spirituality movements, general public knowledge of the universal laws most notably the law of attraction among others. What people refer to as 'the grand awakening' is actually part of the grand scheme of the universe and everything is actually prearranged and bound to happen just as it has since time immemorial. These cosmic clock times and Yuga cycles are a system of maintenance put in place by the universe to keep everything in balance. All these is due to the expanding and contractions of the outer shell of the universe (the cosmic egg), so in essence when the universe breathes in or out we experience a rise or fall in consciousness. A red pill to swallow is that the universe and the very ground on which our feet stands on is a sentient living organism just as much as we are, also within the various cosmic time frames and ages there are periods when the barriers between the various worlds become very thin and at times (most notably the golden age) fully open allowing travel between realms by beings on various sides, accounting for the sharing of knowledge and resources and even interbreeding, again another part of the universe's grand scheme. Check the link below for more information on the cosmic clock theory.
Now most of my readers must be familiar with terms like 'Aliens' 'Spaceships' 'UFO' etc. Also carvings from ancient history by various cultures across the world from the Ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, Meso-Americans, and others has depicted the existence of strange beings who may have interacted with mankind in the past, from giant humaniods like the Annunaki of the Sumerians, Babylonians, Akkadians and Assyrians, the reptilian legends of Native American tribes most notably the Hopi people and the Nagas, reptilian humanoids who inhabit cities under the earth in Buddhist and Hindu legends. The Vedic texts most notably the Ramayana and Mahabharata depicted ancient conflicts between humans and otherworldly beings in the heavens (space) and the use of aerial vehicles known as Vimanas, ancient flying machines that looked more or less like like flying saucers. In 12th century England in the town of Woolpit two green-skinned children appeared seemingly out of nowhere and were taken into custody by the townspeople, one of them died and the surviving child who was assimilated into society at that time and losing her green skin pigmentation over the course of time explained their origins of having came of a subterranean land populated by other green-skinned people like themselves. Further down in the late 19th century to the 20th century there was the journey to Antarctica by American naval officer and explorer Admiral Richard E. Byrd and his encounter with an advanced human civilization that lived beyond the North Pole who had flying saucers, Polish explorer and writer Ferdynand Ossendowski also wrote of a similar encounter in his book  'Beasts, Men And Gods' and also Russian archeologist, theosophist, writer and painter, also encountered highly advanced beings living beyond the poles of the earth and documented what looked like a flying saucer. Also in 1933 while prospecting for gold somewhere beneath Los Angeles, California, a man named G. Warren Schufelt stumbled upon what looked like a series of man-made tunnels, a structure that appeared to be a whole city complex right under the City of Angels! When he later conferred with some members of the Hopi tribe, they told him the tunnels were built by some ancient lizard people who moved underground to escape a catastrophic event in the distant past. Then in Roswell new Mexico in 1945, an unidentified flying object crashed landed and was subsequently taken into government custody, though they officially claimed it was a government project, there are some mysteries surrounding it that remains unsolved. In contemporary times there's countless reports of sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs), alien encounters, abductions and even sightings of creatures deemed extinct like the Loch Ness monster which closely resembles a dinosaur and camera sightings of other creptids (unidentified creatures). So where do all these being come from and what do they want from us? I'll explain in the next paragraphs.
To fully understand today's topic of discussion let's first break down what root races are. The concept of root races or the various forms of humanity in our journey through time space and matter was first introduced to the world by Russian mystic, founder and leading figure in the religion of theosophy Madame Helena Blavatsky, in her works mankind in our original form was ethereal without a physical body, over the course of time (cosmic days) we shifted into solid matter into right down into our current existence. This contrasts the Darwinist concept of evolving out of a less sentient organism into a more sentient one, rather this a descent from a higher state of being to a lower form of existence. Hence a devolution instead of an evolution.
At the dawn of creation (the big bang) before the first earthly land mass was formed, there existed at the center of the universe (mount meru/tree of life) the first humanoid sentient beings, these progenitors of humankind were the very first root race, known as the 'Polarians' because of where they came from. They descended from the starry world of the four heavenly realms above, the top most of which was the domain of the Pole Star also known as the the North Star or Polaris, the constellation known as the big deeper is directly tied to Polaris, the axis mundi or world pole ascends from the bottom of the last hellish domain (Pluto/Hades) to where Polaris is at the very top. Polaris is our direct link to the multiverse and the primordial void beyond, in simpler terms Polaris is 'God' watching over us.The whole concept of big brother watching and the pyramid with the all-seeing eye is Polaris, the swastika which is a sacred symbol across religions like Hinduism and Buddhism is a representation of the big deeper (Polaris). Hindu portrayal of Brahma (The Creator), Vishnu (The Sustainer) and Shiva (The Destroyer), comes from the three main regions of our cosmic egg, the positive realms above, the neutral dimensions in between and the hellish domains below, Norse, Hebrew and other ancient cosmologies all depicted a similar concept heaven(s), earth(s) and hells(s), the sacred trinity of the universe. It was out of the axis mundi which is like an engine room of the universe that the Polarians seeded the first humanoid beings after a cosmic day (24,000 year cycle) with a physical form, these were the Hyperboreans or the Saturnians (Annunaki), giant dark-skinned people who inhabited a world with Saturn as the sun and Jupiter as the moon, their elemental symbol was the earth and their world was shifted away from the center in a series of earthquakes, landslides and possibly mud floods, the very first continental drift, making way for the next root race and world, the Lemurians. These golden-skinned humanoids became next the residents of the center (garden of Eden) their sun and moon being Mars and Venus and their element was fire, after 24,000 years they were also shifted from the center in series of volcanic eruptions and fire outbreaks, making for the next world and root race, The Atlanteans (our world) the brown-skinned water people with our sun (Apollo) and moon (Artemis), two things to take note of is that the sun and moon are also considered planets in astrology and also the in centermost realm suns and moons intertwined as an androgynous luminary, they only become separated after a shift from the center. The suns being male and the moons female. So after our 24,000 year cycle Atlantis sunk and we were shifted from the center to our current location, making room for the next root race, the light-skinned Aryans who currently inhabit the center with Mercury as an androgynous sun and moon and their element to conquer is the air.
With that said it is worth noting that all the various root races are directly seeded by the Polarians at the center and no one race is superior to the other, the only superior of master race of humankind are the Polarians and we are all just fractals of them, spread across time and space and housed in a body of solid matter, racial prejudice comes from a misunderstanding of our true origins. Black people here in our world being linked to the first root race to be seeded may feel they're the original human beings and everybody else came out of  them but that is far from the whole truth, whites who are directly linked to the root race currently inhabiting the center may feel superior to the other races here because they're the new gods (being at the center i.e enlightened and highly advanced) but that is also another misconception, the same goes for the other two races. These various worlds are separated from each other by ice barriers and energetic barriers known as toroidal fields or Van Allen belts, there are times (cosmic seconds, minutes, hours) when these barriers open up allowing travel between worlds, and during the golden age all these barriers disappear and all four corners of the world becomes accessible, the barriers only return during the iron age sealing various beings in their native domains and away from each other and halting the exchange of knowledge and resources, again part of the grand scheme of the universe. Everything is arranged by intelligent design and nothing is ever random. Each earthly plane has it's own ecosystem of flora and fauna native to it, also in addition to various civilizations and cultures, histories and economies etc. Contact with each other has led to expansions and decline of civilizations, colonizations, conflicts and interbreeding between species and races leading to the existence of mixed races, hybrids and socio-cultural influences. For example in our world (Atlantis), the native root race is the Indian race, all other races here on this earth is a mix of the Atlantean race and others due to past contact. Everybody here in our world including myself (the writer of this article) is an Atlantean, each world has it's own unique frequency and to be in one you have to vibrate with it's frequency. It's no wonder Tibetan monks spend their entire life working on their spiritual growth and raising their vibration because it is their goal to match the frequency of Shambala (the center) so they can move to that sacred land, either physically or through reincarnation. Anyone who tries to breach the various toroidal fields without being in tune with the world beyond it will be instantly killed by radiation. It is also worth mentioning that some of the beings from the other side most notably the centermost realm are in possession of crafts that can transcend these barriers and are known to visit our world from time to time even taking people from our side along with them (alien abductions).
The word alien translated means foreign or foreigner, extraterrestrial is a combination of the two words extra which means 'more of' and terrestrial which comes from the root word 'terrain' which means land. Hence extraterrestrial means coming from additional lands that is the lands beyond the poles. So aliens are technically foreigners from other lands, and should any of us migrate to another place from where we are originally from, we become aliens. Another red pill to swallow and this is for the flat earth community is that space is not fake, space is real but not what mainstream presents, definitely not the world in the stars above, we can't transverse those etheric worlds in our solid matter forms, thats not possible and the unbreakable glass ceiling above known as the firmament exists to ensure that. To travel in the realms above you have to be a star or a conscious angle of light (Angel). So space isn't a vacuum above but the other lands beyond the Van Allen belts, space isn't up and up into pitch black nothingness, space is up and sideways. When NASA talks about trying to go beyond lower earth orbit, what they're actually trying to do is to breach the Van Allen belt and enter the land on the other side. The footage from probes sent to space and the planetary bodies are actually not sent to the luminaries above but the lands illuminated by them, when they claim they are going to Mars they actually are, except it's not Mars the planet but the land illuminated by Mars as a sun. The planetary bodies (our sun and moon included) are semi-etheric bodies, inhabited by energetic beings (souls) that influence the thoughts and actions of mankind and the other beings on the various earthly domains, positively from above and negatively from below (Pluto). So whenever a person sun-gazes or moon-gazes they're actually communicating with those beings above and receiving information. Also worth taking note are there also planetary bodies outside our earthly domains and above the firmament these are the exo-planets like Uranus and Neptune and down below the hellish firmament is Pluto (Hades), there are also subplanetry bodies, what mainstream science calls the satellites of the various planets, asteriods, etc.
As I explained earlier in my previous article on the cosmic egg, the pyramid like structure of the earth has concentric rings of land above and another four below. The lands below are populated by monstrous creatures and cities with reptilian beings and other non-human entities. These are places I wouldn't recommend any of my readers to go to.
To conclude today's topic we've covered the meaning and origins of root races and extraterrestrials. Now I'll end with the purpose of our existence across the various earthly domains. Our purpose is to learn, transcend and ascend the 3D construct of the earthly realms to the higher dimensions above and eventually back to source (Primordial Void or God/Divine Mind/Monad). We in our physical bodies are just fractals or probes sent out to various timelines and lands to gather information (experiences) which we will eventually take back to our original Polarian selves. Our bodies are just avatars or vehicles housing portions of our true divine selves. The physical world originally intended to be like a class or testing ground has been hijacked by dark entities known as Archons and turned into a prison where souls are trapped in a loop known as the reincarnation cycle so these being can feed off our energies, it is therefore our duty to individually and collectively raise our vibrations and break free of these constraints. I'll expand on this in the next article.
I bid you all farewell again and catch me on my next article.
Peace and positivity to all.
Ad Astra 🌟🌠✨
Below is a link to a YouTube video on Hyperborea. Enjoy.

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