Sunday, 18 December 2022

Reality Is An Illusion : The Matrix Explained

Hello everyone,
It's Qwecy Kwabi and once again I'm back with another mind boggling theory. What if I told you the world and most of everything you believe in and even most of the people you know are just fake projections? I know it sounds crazy but it's true and a proven fact and today I'm going to break it down bit by bit. Right, now let's dive right into it.
For thousands of years people have wondered if our world was truly what we thought it was or just an illusion, during the classical period of ancient Greece between the 5th and 4th centuries BC, the Greek philosopher Plato in his work 'Allegory Of The Cave' depicted our society as a group of men chained to a wall in a cave and shown shadow projections of objects being moved in front of a fire. The cave and the projections are all they know and have accepted to be the world until one of them is freed and sees the real world outside, when he goes back to tell the others they do not believe him and are unwilling to leave the cave as it is the only world they know. Below is the Wikipedia article on the Allegory Of The Cave.
Almost a thousand years after the death of Plato, between the 1st and 3rd centuries AD two groups of people emerged namely the Gnostics and Neoplatonists who adopted his teachings into a much larger scope. They held a similar belief that there was a real divine world, the domain of a supreme being known as the Monad or The One and our world was a copy of that world made by an artisan-like being, a lesser god known as the Demiurge. Whilst the Neoplatonists saw the Demiurge as a benevolent entity, the Gnostics held a much different opinion, the portrayed him as an ignorant and sometimes malevolent being who has trapped mankind (souls) in a false reality construct and it was our divine duty to break free out of this world and go back to the real world known as the Pleroma.
In contemporary times this ancient concept of a grand world illusion has been adopted into many neo-philosophical ideologies and even art the most notable being the 1999 movie 'The Matrix' of which this article derives it's title. I'll further break down two other concepts which tie into today's topic. These are 'social constructs' and 'the agent Smith effect'.
Social constructs are ideals generally accepted by society to be true although they hold no water or are not rooted in fact when critically examined. A typical example of a social construct is the notion that the color pink is for girls, when you look at it critically, pink is just a color and there's no proven association of that color to female nature, it is the way it is because collectively society has accepted it to be true. The same goes for a lot of the things of everyday life we believe in, race, gender, belief systems, holidays, governments, money etc most of these will cease to exist without the acceptance of society. So in effect our idea of reality is just a collective projection.
The agent Smith effect derives it's name from a character of the same name from the movie The Matrix. In the movie agent Smith a sentient program within the virtual reality the machines have human beings trapped in and his job was to prevent people from waking up and escaping. When you bring that our daily lives the agent Smith effect happens when a person faces strong opposition should they decide to challenge or call out the socio-cultural establishment or an existing norm accepted by society. For example a person who claims the earth is flat or that money is fake will face severe backlash from people, even close friends and family and some may even try to get him or her back in line.
From these two concepts we can see that indeed most of what we've known and accepted from childhood is nothing more than just ideas which exist only because we believe in them.
Now if our world system is just the product of ideas which have gained form, what about everything else outside the scope of socio-cultural programming? What about nature? What about the laws of physics? What about people? The short answer is our physical reality is the byproduct of something else and not as real as we believe it to be, the same goes for people, not everyone we see or meet is actually real, a vast majority of people are just projections of this dream world we find ourselves in and perhaps the person reading this might be one. I know it sounds insane but please bear with me as I try to break it all down.
I'll start with an occult concept known as neuromancy, which when broken means magic of the mind or mental magic, it's a subdivision of chaos magic and in this the practitioner aims to project objects within their mind into the real world, these objects which may be in the form of an animal, supernatural entities and even people are known to physically manifest in one way or another, these mental projections are known as 'thought-forms' or 'tulpas'. Outside the realms of the occult and into our daily lives, some people possess the uncanny ability to make plans or envision possible outcomes of a situation and surprisingly it may happen just as planned or how they saw it, it's not farfetched that we may fear or desire certain things or situations which may eventually manifest in our lives, these are some of the few things our minds are capable of bringing into form, within the world of creative arts, certain fictional characters created by authors have found their way into the real world, a perfect example is the real world sightings of John Constantine a fictional DC comics character. All these goes to show we as humans possess the ability to create reality individually and collectively with our minds, hence the term 'mind over matter'. This goes to show how powerful our minds are and is a fact known by the so-called global elites or powers that be, it's no wonder they through the mainstream media do all they can to influence the thought process of the general public, they know they cannot impose their ideal reality on us so they program it into the minds of the masses and unconsciously we create their reality collectively for them, I'll hereby advice my readers to be cautious in their intake of information especially from the media and the entertainment industry.
So if we can constructively create reality, isn't it possible that our world itself is a direct mental projection of some higher form of intelligence? The answer is yes and it's not far-fetched that people for millennia have believe this world to be the creation of some higher divine entity, like the God of the Abrahamic religions, the Gnostic Demiurge, Pangu of Chinese legends, the Hindu creator Brahma and so on. Whilst all these might be different mythologies and religious beliefs of various cultures across the world, one thing is certain, our world and the observable physical universe did not come into by accident but was rather conceived by intelligent design, the effect of a cause. Mainstream science tells us everything we can see touch and feel is made up of matter, further research has proven this to be largely untrue, matter is not only a construct but is also the calcification of what we now call energy, a non-material particle that can neither be created nor destroyed, our matter based reality is made up of energetic projections known as sine waves. These sine waves are the cause of the effect of matter, in essence our material world is a temporary illusion or shadow projection of a much realer non-material one.
Finally I'll conclude by saying not all people are actually real, most of the people we interact with in our day to day lives are merely physical manifestations of this world, there are two kinds of human beings though on the outside we may all seem similar with various physical differences, within our very there are two distinctive kinds of people. Souled beings and soulless beings. Souled beings also known as source players are humans with a consciousness that transcends the physical, the consciousness is what is referred to as the soul or spirit, on the other hand are the soulless beings who do not possess a consciousness outside of the physical construct, these being are known as organic portals and also non-player characters (NPCs) a term derived from video games depicting characters not controlled by the player, they can also be likened to background characters or extras in a movie. Being projections of this world they exist to make our experience here as realistic as could be and to keep us grounded in 'reality'. I'll expand further on organic portals in another article, below is a link with more information on organic portals.
To conclude today's topic, our world as much as some may believe it to be the only one that is, is only a projection of another base (source) reality. We live in the dream world of a higher intelligence and we are co-creators of the dream structure, reality isn't as real as we may perceive it to be and we possess the ability to alter it at will, even bend the laws of physics, when we utilize the full potential of our minds, hearts and the divine consciousness within us we can literally move mountains and walk on water. Below is a link to an ebook and article on how to utilize the power of the mind to bend reality to one's will and manifest desired outcomes and ideal life.
Once again I bid you all farewell and catch me on the next one. Love and positivity to each and everyone.
Namaste 🙏🏾❤️🍀.

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