This is Qwecy Kwabi once again and today I'm here with a gift for all my readers, this will also serve as my last blog post for 2022, I'll be taking some time off for the holidays and also to work on my third book which comes out in July next year. Right, now let's get into it. Today I'll be breaking down the very popular law of attraction and I'll also be showing you all how to use it to manifest the life you desire in 2023. I'll keep it as logical and scientific as I can without the mumbo jumbo and woo-woo surrounding it.
So what really is the law of attraction? I'm pretty sure most of my readers have heard about it from these motivational speakers, life coaches and success gurus but really is it? I'll explain. The law of attraction though it has been made popular in comtemporary times by the new age movement and also books like The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, has been around since time immemorial. Hermeticism, Alchemy and Hindu texts testify to it's existence and the Judeo-Christian scriptures makes references to it in some of it's chapters, most notably Matthew 7:7 which says "ask and you shall receive, seek and you will find, knock and you will be opened", Proverbs 23:7 which says " As a man thinketh in his heart so he is" and Mark 11:24 which says "therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours", all these biblical sayings point to a concept of putting one's mind on something and watching it show up physically in the material world. That concept is what we now call the law of attraction, it is a part of the unseen natural laws of the universe, and it is concerned with how the universe reflects back what we channel to it. When we desire something so much that it physically shows up in our lives one way or another, we term that as manifestation. The name 'Law Of Attraction' officially made it's appearance in an 1855 work of American spiritualist Andrew Davis Jackson, futher down to the latter part of the 19th century and the early 20th interest in the topic of the mind being able to influence matter grew and became the one of the focal points of New Thought, the precursor of what we now call the new age. Below is the Wikipedia link to the law of attraction.
Outside the confines of religion and spirituality, there's been an interest in the law of attraction and manifestation by the mainstream consensus namely the government and the scientific community. After the declassification and public release of some documents by the US government in 2003, one particular document concerning a scientific research overseen by 'our good friends' the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) known as 'The Gateway Program' made it's way to the public domain. The document reveals that the CIA as far back as 1983 has been experimenting on the human mind and it's relationship with the observable physical universe in an attempt to bend reality to their will, their research will varying levels of outcomes revealed that the the universe is of a holographic nature, time is non-linear and can be manipulated, and the human mind is two way broadcasting system which can both receive and broadcast frequencies to and from the universe and can literally materialize things that did not exist before into being by just projecting (thinking and imagining) them, which they termed 'Biofeedback'. To access the full potential of the mind however the person concerned had to move their mind to a place outside space and time where they become pure energy and one with the universe and can therefore alter reality, the place of higher consciousness is what they termed 'the gateway' and it was the focal point of the research project. Below is the official CIA website link to the gateway program.
Also a 20 year research by Robert Allan Monroe founder of the Monroe Institute on human consciousness in collaboration with the US military disclosed that the human mind can attain balance and it's full potential when both hemispheres of the brain (left and right) are synchronized, this can enable a person to attain feats like out of body experiences, removal of limiting beliefs and addictions etc. This was primarily done with the use of patented CDs containing audio recordings of sounds known as binaural beats. The research project and the specially curated audios named 'Hemi-Sync' is now an official trademark of non-profit Monroe Institute. Below is a link to their website.
So how then can we practically in our day to day lives access the full potential of our minds and manifest desired outcomes and live fulfilling lives? The answer is imagination, imagination as in the words of Albert Einstein "is the percursor things to happen", vividly visualizing something and seeing it materialize physically, as in seen in the works of the great mystic Neville Goddard. I'll start with a popular and proven three-step method of manifesting known as the "be, do, have" method. In this a person has to actually feel and believe they've already received what they want or are already living their best life, the next step is to consciously do things that will be bring about their desired live or what they want and finally the universe will ensure that it is fully realized. Though an effective method of manifestation, it may not work for everyone due to limiting beliefs and compulsive negative thoughts that may get in the way of them manifesting their desired outcome, these limiting beliefs and compulsive negative thoughts are the results of negative societal influences and the opinions, criticism and abuse by others which been absorbed into the subconscious part of the mind and that of the mind plays a much larger role in our lives than the conscious portion of the mind, it dictates our thoughts and actions and if the subconscious mind is negative then there's no way to consciously be positive without your subconscious interfering. However there's a scientifically proven method to remedy this and it is known as "Brainwave Entrainment" an offshoot of the Hemi-Sync method constituted by a scientist named Mori Zelcovich. Our brains vibrate on different frequency levels depending on the particular state they're in, these frequencies are known as brainwaves. Some of these brainwaves states are the alpha state where the brain is active and alert, the beta state and the theta state where the brain is in a hyper relaxed state. Our brainwaves from childhood are in a theta state up until the age of 6 where it goes into an alpha state. In the theta state the subconscious mind is in full control and the mind is like wet cement, whatever happens around us be it positive or negative we absorb it and when the mind moves into alpha they become ingrained in the subconscious mind, manipulating a person's life behind the scenes. It's no wonder children from abusive homes are most likely to grow up into abusive people and parents themselves, so my advice to parents are to raise kids mindfully as it's easier to raise strong children than to repair broken adults. So, the whole point of brainwave entrainment is to put a person's mind in a child-like state to remove negative thoughts and perceptions and of course limiting beliefs. This is not a complicated procedure though there are some advanced method which may involve some form of hypnosis. Brainwave entrainment is primarily done with sound frequencies known as binaural beats and isochronic tones which puts a person in a relaxed state, there recorded positive affirmations both supraliminal or subliminal may be played alongside or after to reprogram the person's mind from negative to positive, the affirmations works best when recorded in the person's own voice. There are tons of brainwave entrainment audios and videos all over the internet, both premium and free and a large number of them can be found on YouTube, though I will caution my readers to verify the authenticity of the material before using, because it has recently been revealed some of these audio recordings are made by people with nefarious motives and may contain some really devious and negative subliminal messages. I highly recommend getting binaural beats and isochronic tones from a credible source and recording your own affirmations to play along with it, even best when the sound is made subliminal to play silently right into the subconscious mind. The best time to reprogram the mind is at night before sleep or letting it play in the background while you sleep and also in the early hours of the morning shortly after you wake up. Below is a link to an MP3 audio specially curated to help you (my readers) manifest the things you desire and to live fulfilling lives in 2023, this is my Christmas present to you all. Hope you enjoy it.
I hereby bid you all farewell and see you all in 2023, Merry Christmas and happy new year in advance. Love you all.
Peace, Love and Positivity
Namaste 🙏🏾❤️🍀🌞
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