Monday, 26 December 2022

The Law Of Attraction And Manifestation Explained

Hello everyone,
This is Qwecy Kwabi once again and today I'm here with a gift for all my readers, this will also serve as my last blog post for 2022, I'll be taking some time off for the holidays and also to work on my third book which comes out in July next year. Right, now let's get into it. Today I'll be breaking down the very popular law of attraction and I'll also be showing you all how to use it to manifest the life you desire in 2023. I'll keep it as logical and scientific as I can without the mumbo jumbo and woo-woo surrounding it.
So what really is the law of attraction? I'm pretty sure most of my readers have heard about it from these motivational speakers, life coaches and success gurus but really is it? I'll explain. The law of attraction though it has been made popular in comtemporary times by the new age movement and also books like The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, has been around since time immemorial. Hermeticism, Alchemy and Hindu texts testify to it's existence and the Judeo-Christian scriptures makes references to it in some of it's chapters, most notably Matthew 7:7 which says "ask and you shall receive, seek and you will find, knock and you will be opened", Proverbs 23:7 which says " As a man thinketh in his heart so he is" and Mark 11:24 which says "therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours", all these biblical sayings point to a concept of putting one's mind on something and watching it show up physically in the material world. That concept is what we now call the law of attraction, it is a part of the unseen natural laws of the universe, and it is concerned with how the universe reflects back what we channel to it. When we desire something so much that it physically shows up in our lives one way or another, we term that as manifestation. The name 'Law Of Attraction' officially made it's appearance in an 1855 work of American spiritualist Andrew Davis Jackson, futher down to the latter part of the 19th century and the early 20th interest in the topic of the mind being able to influence matter grew and became the one of the focal points of New Thought, the precursor of what we now call the new age. Below is the Wikipedia link to the law of attraction.
Outside the confines of religion and spirituality, there's been an interest in the law of attraction and manifestation by the mainstream consensus namely the government and the scientific community. After the declassification and public release of some documents by the US government in 2003, one particular document concerning a scientific research overseen by 'our good friends' the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) known as 'The Gateway Program' made it's way to the public domain. The document reveals that the CIA as far back as 1983 has been experimenting on the human mind and it's relationship with the observable physical universe in an attempt to bend reality to their will, their research will varying levels of outcomes revealed that the the universe is of a holographic nature, time is non-linear and can be manipulated, and the human mind is two way broadcasting system which can both receive and broadcast frequencies to and from the universe and can literally materialize things that did not exist before into being by just projecting (thinking and imagining) them, which they termed 'Biofeedback'. To access the full potential of the mind however the person concerned had to move their mind to a place outside space and time where they become pure energy and one with the universe and can therefore alter reality, the place of higher consciousness is what they termed 'the gateway' and it was the focal point of the research project. Below is the official CIA website link to the gateway program.
Also a 20 year research by Robert Allan Monroe founder of the Monroe Institute on human consciousness in collaboration with the US military disclosed that the human mind can attain balance and it's full potential when both hemispheres of the brain (left and right) are synchronized, this can enable a person to attain feats like out of body experiences, removal of limiting beliefs and addictions etc. This was primarily done with the use of patented CDs containing audio recordings of sounds known as binaural beats. The research project and the specially curated audios named 'Hemi-Sync' is now an official trademark of non-profit Monroe Institute. Below is a link to their website.
So how then can we practically in our day to day lives access the full potential of our minds and manifest desired outcomes and live fulfilling lives? The answer is imagination, imagination as in the words of Albert Einstein "is the percursor things to happen",  vividly visualizing something and  seeing it materialize physically, as in seen in the works of the great mystic Neville Goddard. I'll start with a popular and proven three-step method of manifesting known as the "be, do, have" method. In this a person has to actually feel and believe they've already received what they want or are already living their best life, the next step is to consciously do things that will be bring about their desired live or what they want and finally the universe will ensure that it is fully realized. Though an effective method of manifestation, it may not work for everyone due to limiting beliefs and compulsive negative thoughts that may get in the way of them manifesting their desired outcome, these limiting beliefs and compulsive negative thoughts are the results of negative societal influences and the opinions, criticism and abuse by others which been absorbed into the subconscious part of the mind and that of the mind plays a much larger role in our lives than the conscious portion of the mind, it dictates our thoughts and actions and if the subconscious mind is negative then there's no way to consciously be positive without your subconscious interfering. However there's a scientifically proven method to remedy this and it is known as "Brainwave Entrainment" an offshoot of the Hemi-Sync method constituted by a scientist named Mori Zelcovich. Our brains vibrate on different frequency levels depending on the particular state they're in, these frequencies are known as brainwaves. Some of these brainwaves states are the alpha state where the brain is active and alert, the beta state and the theta state where the brain is in a hyper relaxed state. Our brainwaves from childhood are in a theta state up until the age of 6 where it goes into an alpha state. In the theta state the subconscious mind is in full control and the mind is like wet cement, whatever happens around us be it positive or negative we absorb it and when the mind moves into alpha they become ingrained in the subconscious mind, manipulating a person's life behind the scenes. It's no wonder children from abusive homes are most likely to grow up into abusive people and parents themselves, so my advice to parents are to raise kids mindfully as it's easier to raise strong children than to repair broken adults. So, the whole point of brainwave entrainment is to put a person's mind in a child-like state to remove negative thoughts and perceptions and of course limiting beliefs. This is not a complicated procedure though there are some advanced method which may involve some form of hypnosis. Brainwave entrainment is primarily done with sound frequencies known as binaural beats and isochronic tones which puts a person in a relaxed state, there recorded positive affirmations both supraliminal or subliminal may be played alongside or after to reprogram the person's mind from negative to positive, the affirmations works best when recorded in the person's own voice. There are tons of brainwave entrainment audios and videos all over the internet, both premium and free and a large number of them can be found on YouTube, though I will caution my readers to verify the authenticity of the material before using, because it has recently been revealed some of these audio recordings are made by people with nefarious motives and may contain some really devious and negative subliminal messages. I highly recommend getting binaural beats and isochronic tones from a credible source and recording your own affirmations to play along with it, even best when the sound is made subliminal to play silently right into the subconscious mind. The best time to reprogram the mind is at night before sleep or letting it play in the background while you sleep and also in the early hours of the morning shortly after you wake up. Below is a link to an MP3 audio specially curated to help you (my readers) manifest the things you desire and to live fulfilling lives in 2023, this is my Christmas present to you all. Hope you enjoy it.
I hereby bid you all farewell and see you all in 2023, Merry Christmas and happy new year in advance. Love you all.
Peace, Love and Positivity
Namaste πŸ™πŸΎ❤️πŸ€πŸŒž

Sunday, 18 December 2022

Reality Is An Illusion : The Matrix Explained

Hello everyone,
It's Qwecy Kwabi and once again I'm back with another mind boggling theory. What if I told you the world and most of everything you believe in and even most of the people you know are just fake projections? I know it sounds crazy but it's true and a proven fact and today I'm going to break it down bit by bit. Right, now let's dive right into it.
For thousands of years people have wondered if our world was truly what we thought it was or just an illusion, during the classical period of ancient Greece between the 5th and 4th centuries BC, the Greek philosopher Plato in his work 'Allegory Of The Cave' depicted our society as a group of men chained to a wall in a cave and shown shadow projections of objects being moved in front of a fire. The cave and the projections are all they know and have accepted to be the world until one of them is freed and sees the real world outside, when he goes back to tell the others they do not believe him and are unwilling to leave the cave as it is the only world they know. Below is the Wikipedia article on the Allegory Of The Cave.
Almost a thousand years after the death of Plato, between the 1st and 3rd centuries AD two groups of people emerged namely the Gnostics and Neoplatonists who adopted his teachings into a much larger scope. They held a similar belief that there was a real divine world, the domain of a supreme being known as the Monad or The One and our world was a copy of that world made by an artisan-like being, a lesser god known as the Demiurge. Whilst the Neoplatonists saw the Demiurge as a benevolent entity, the Gnostics held a much different opinion, the portrayed him as an ignorant and sometimes malevolent being who has trapped mankind (souls) in a false reality construct and it was our divine duty to break free out of this world and go back to the real world known as the Pleroma.
In contemporary times this ancient concept of a grand world illusion has been adopted into many neo-philosophical ideologies and even art the most notable being the 1999 movie 'The Matrix' of which this article derives it's title. I'll further break down two other concepts which tie into today's topic. These are 'social constructs' and 'the agent Smith effect'.
Social constructs are ideals generally accepted by society to be true although they hold no water or are not rooted in fact when critically examined. A typical example of a social construct is the notion that the color pink is for girls, when you look at it critically, pink is just a color and there's no proven association of that color to female nature, it is the way it is because collectively society has accepted it to be true. The same goes for a lot of the things of everyday life we believe in, race, gender, belief systems, holidays, governments, money etc most of these will cease to exist without the acceptance of society. So in effect our idea of reality is just a collective projection.
The agent Smith effect derives it's name from a character of the same name from the movie The Matrix. In the movie agent Smith a sentient program within the virtual reality the machines have human beings trapped in and his job was to prevent people from waking up and escaping. When you bring that our daily lives the agent Smith effect happens when a person faces strong opposition should they decide to challenge or call out the socio-cultural establishment or an existing norm accepted by society. For example a person who claims the earth is flat or that money is fake will face severe backlash from people, even close friends and family and some may even try to get him or her back in line.
From these two concepts we can see that indeed most of what we've known and accepted from childhood is nothing more than just ideas which exist only because we believe in them.
Now if our world system is just the product of ideas which have gained form, what about everything else outside the scope of socio-cultural programming? What about nature? What about the laws of physics? What about people? The short answer is our physical reality is the byproduct of something else and not as real as we believe it to be, the same goes for people, not everyone we see or meet is actually real, a vast majority of people are just projections of this dream world we find ourselves in and perhaps the person reading this might be one. I know it sounds insane but please bear with me as I try to break it all down.
I'll start with an occult concept known as neuromancy, which when broken means magic of the mind or mental magic, it's a subdivision of chaos magic and in this the practitioner aims to project objects within their mind into the real world, these objects which may be in the form of an animal, supernatural entities and even people are known to physically manifest in one way or another, these mental projections are known as 'thought-forms' or 'tulpas'. Outside the realms of the occult and into our daily lives, some people possess the uncanny ability to make plans or envision possible outcomes of a situation and surprisingly it may happen just as planned or how they saw it, it's not farfetched that we may fear or desire certain things or situations which may eventually manifest in our lives, these are some of the few things our minds are capable of bringing into form, within the world of creative arts, certain fictional characters created by authors have found their way into the real world, a perfect example is the real world sightings of John Constantine a fictional DC comics character. All these goes to show we as humans possess the ability to create reality individually and collectively with our minds, hence the term 'mind over matter'. This goes to show how powerful our minds are and is a fact known by the so-called global elites or powers that be, it's no wonder they through the mainstream media do all they can to influence the thought process of the general public, they know they cannot impose their ideal reality on us so they program it into the minds of the masses and unconsciously we create their reality collectively for them, I'll hereby advice my readers to be cautious in their intake of information especially from the media and the entertainment industry.
So if we can constructively create reality, isn't it possible that our world itself is a direct mental projection of some higher form of intelligence? The answer is yes and it's not far-fetched that people for millennia have believe this world to be the creation of some higher divine entity, like the God of the Abrahamic religions, the Gnostic Demiurge, Pangu of Chinese legends, the Hindu creator Brahma and so on. Whilst all these might be different mythologies and religious beliefs of various cultures across the world, one thing is certain, our world and the observable physical universe did not come into by accident but was rather conceived by intelligent design, the effect of a cause. Mainstream science tells us everything we can see touch and feel is made up of matter, further research has proven this to be largely untrue, matter is not only a construct but is also the calcification of what we now call energy, a non-material particle that can neither be created nor destroyed, our matter based reality is made up of energetic projections known as sine waves. These sine waves are the cause of the effect of matter, in essence our material world is a temporary illusion or shadow projection of a much realer non-material one.
Finally I'll conclude by saying not all people are actually real, most of the people we interact with in our day to day lives are merely physical manifestations of this world, there are two kinds of human beings though on the outside we may all seem similar with various physical differences, within our very there are two distinctive kinds of people. Souled beings and soulless beings. Souled beings also known as source players are humans with a consciousness that transcends the physical, the consciousness is what is referred to as the soul or spirit, on the other hand are the soulless beings who do not possess a consciousness outside of the physical construct, these being are known as organic portals and also non-player characters (NPCs) a term derived from video games depicting characters not controlled by the player, they can also be likened to background characters or extras in a movie. Being projections of this world they exist to make our experience here as realistic as could be and to keep us grounded in 'reality'. I'll expand further on organic portals in another article, below is a link with more information on organic portals.
To conclude today's topic, our world as much as some may believe it to be the only one that is, is only a projection of another base (source) reality. We live in the dream world of a higher intelligence and we are co-creators of the dream structure, reality isn't as real as we may perceive it to be and we possess the ability to alter it at will, even bend the laws of physics, when we utilize the full potential of our minds, hearts and the divine consciousness within us we can literally move mountains and walk on water. Below is a link to an ebook and article on how to utilize the power of the mind to bend reality to one's will and manifest desired outcomes and ideal life.
Once again I bid you all farewell and catch me on the next one. Love and positivity to each and everyone.
Namaste πŸ™πŸΎ❤️πŸ€.

Sunday, 4 December 2022

Root Races And Extraterrestrials Explained

Hello everyone,
It's Qwecy Kwabi yet again and today I'm going to do a breakdown on what we call aliens or extraterrestrials and the origins of humanity and our purpose in the grand scheme of things. Sit back relax and enjoy.
Ever wondered who or what we are? Where we come from? Are there places like where we find ourselves? And are there others like ourselves? These are some of the questions that have boggled the minds of people for many generations since the last grand reset of the universe approximately 24,000 years ago. Now you might be asking yourself what grand reset is Qwecy talking about, okay let me explain. Let's take a trip back to my previous article where I talked about the cosmic egg and how our universe was contained in an energy barrier or shell that shielded it from the void beyond which the ancients pictured as an egg, now not only are we in an egg-like structure but also our universe most notably our four earthly domains are structured like clockwork with it's own system of cosmic hours, minutes, seconds and days and just as we have in our day to day lives have 24 hours within a day, the universe also has 24,000 years in a cosmic day, and at the end of one cosmic day, there's a reset and shift into a new day, the last one being the sinking of Atlantis and the survivors (our ancestors) having to start all over again. Another thing to note is that a 1000 years is a cosmic hour, and that brings with it a change in existing paradigms, remember Y2K? Also just as we have four seasons each year, the universe also has it's own four seasons, or what is known as 'ages' or Yuga cycles as the Vedas (Ancient Hindu Sacred Texts) called them, these are the golden age (Satya Yuga), the silver age (Treta Yuga), the bronze age (Dvapara Yuga) and finally the iron age (Kali Yuga) these various world ages brings about changes in human consciousness as much as the various seasons with the year brings about changes in climate and weather conditions. Everything is a microcosm of a macrocosm and just as is above, so it is below. The golden age which is the cosmic summer is a season of enlightenment and the worlds at that time becomes a Utopia, the iron age which is the cosmic winter is a period of decline in human consciousness and an age of ignorance and destruction, that's the age we're evolving out of collectively, we're gradually shifting into a confusing bronze age (spring), this will account for the all the disclosure of previously hidden knowledge and information, and wave after wave of people waking up to all the horrific deeds of the so-called global elites and these new age spirituality movements, general public knowledge of the universal laws most notably the law of attraction among others. What people refer to as 'the grand awakening' is actually part of the grand scheme of the universe and everything is actually prearranged and bound to happen just as it has since time immemorial. These cosmic clock times and Yuga cycles are a system of maintenance put in place by the universe to keep everything in balance. All these is due to the expanding and contractions of the outer shell of the universe (the cosmic egg), so in essence when the universe breathes in or out we experience a rise or fall in consciousness. A red pill to swallow is that the universe and the very ground on which our feet stands on is a sentient living organism just as much as we are, also within the various cosmic time frames and ages there are periods when the barriers between the various worlds become very thin and at times (most notably the golden age) fully open allowing travel between realms by beings on various sides, accounting for the sharing of knowledge and resources and even interbreeding, again another part of the universe's grand scheme. Check the link below for more information on the cosmic clock theory.
Now most of my readers must be familiar with terms like 'Aliens' 'Spaceships' 'UFO' etc. Also carvings from ancient history by various cultures across the world from the Ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, Meso-Americans, and others has depicted the existence of strange beings who may have interacted with mankind in the past, from giant humaniods like the Annunaki of the Sumerians, Babylonians, Akkadians and Assyrians, the reptilian legends of Native American tribes most notably the Hopi people and the Nagas, reptilian humanoids who inhabit cities under the earth in Buddhist and Hindu legends. The Vedic texts most notably the Ramayana and Mahabharata depicted ancient conflicts between humans and otherworldly beings in the heavens (space) and the use of aerial vehicles known as Vimanas, ancient flying machines that looked more or less like like flying saucers. In 12th century England in the town of Woolpit two green-skinned children appeared seemingly out of nowhere and were taken into custody by the townspeople, one of them died and the surviving child who was assimilated into society at that time and losing her green skin pigmentation over the course of time explained their origins of having came of a subterranean land populated by other green-skinned people like themselves. Further down in the late 19th century to the 20th century there was the journey to Antarctica by American naval officer and explorer Admiral Richard E. Byrd and his encounter with an advanced human civilization that lived beyond the North Pole who had flying saucers, Polish explorer and writer Ferdynand Ossendowski also wrote of a similar encounter in his book  'Beasts, Men And Gods' and also Russian archeologist, theosophist, writer and painter, also encountered highly advanced beings living beyond the poles of the earth and documented what looked like a flying saucer. Also in 1933 while prospecting for gold somewhere beneath Los Angeles, California, a man named G. Warren Schufelt stumbled upon what looked like a series of man-made tunnels, a structure that appeared to be a whole city complex right under the City of Angels! When he later conferred with some members of the Hopi tribe, they told him the tunnels were built by some ancient lizard people who moved underground to escape a catastrophic event in the distant past. Then in Roswell new Mexico in 1945, an unidentified flying object crashed landed and was subsequently taken into government custody, though they officially claimed it was a government project, there are some mysteries surrounding it that remains unsolved. In contemporary times there's countless reports of sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs), alien encounters, abductions and even sightings of creatures deemed extinct like the Loch Ness monster which closely resembles a dinosaur and camera sightings of other creptids (unidentified creatures). So where do all these being come from and what do they want from us? I'll explain in the next paragraphs.
To fully understand today's topic of discussion let's first break down what root races are. The concept of root races or the various forms of humanity in our journey through time space and matter was first introduced to the world by Russian mystic, founder and leading figure in the religion of theosophy Madame Helena Blavatsky, in her works mankind in our original form was ethereal without a physical body, over the course of time (cosmic days) we shifted into solid matter into right down into our current existence. This contrasts the Darwinist concept of evolving out of a less sentient organism into a more sentient one, rather this a descent from a higher state of being to a lower form of existence. Hence a devolution instead of an evolution.
At the dawn of creation (the big bang) before the first earthly land mass was formed, there existed at the center of the universe (mount meru/tree of life) the first humanoid sentient beings, these progenitors of humankind were the very first root race, known as the 'Polarians' because of where they came from. They descended from the starry world of the four heavenly realms above, the top most of which was the domain of the Pole Star also known as the the North Star or Polaris, the constellation known as the big deeper is directly tied to Polaris, the axis mundi or world pole ascends from the bottom of the last hellish domain (Pluto/Hades) to where Polaris is at the very top. Polaris is our direct link to the multiverse and the primordial void beyond, in simpler terms Polaris is 'God' watching over us.The whole concept of big brother watching and the pyramid with the all-seeing eye is Polaris, the swastika which is a sacred symbol across religions like Hinduism and Buddhism is a representation of the big deeper (Polaris). Hindu portrayal of Brahma (The Creator), Vishnu (The Sustainer) and Shiva (The Destroyer), comes from the three main regions of our cosmic egg, the positive realms above, the neutral dimensions in between and the hellish domains below, Norse, Hebrew and other ancient cosmologies all depicted a similar concept heaven(s), earth(s) and hells(s), the sacred trinity of the universe. It was out of the axis mundi which is like an engine room of the universe that the Polarians seeded the first humanoid beings after a cosmic day (24,000 year cycle) with a physical form, these were the Hyperboreans or the Saturnians (Annunaki), giant dark-skinned people who inhabited a world with Saturn as the sun and Jupiter as the moon, their elemental symbol was the earth and their world was shifted away from the center in a series of earthquakes, landslides and possibly mud floods, the very first continental drift, making way for the next root race and world, the Lemurians. These golden-skinned humanoids became next the residents of the center (garden of Eden) their sun and moon being Mars and Venus and their element was fire, after 24,000 years they were also shifted from the center in series of volcanic eruptions and fire outbreaks, making for the next world and root race, The Atlanteans (our world) the brown-skinned water people with our sun (Apollo) and moon (Artemis), two things to take note of is that the sun and moon are also considered planets in astrology and also the in centermost realm suns and moons intertwined as an androgynous luminary, they only become separated after a shift from the center. The suns being male and the moons female. So after our 24,000 year cycle Atlantis sunk and we were shifted from the center to our current location, making room for the next root race, the light-skinned Aryans who currently inhabit the center with Mercury as an androgynous sun and moon and their element to conquer is the air.
With that said it is worth noting that all the various root races are directly seeded by the Polarians at the center and no one race is superior to the other, the only superior of master race of humankind are the Polarians and we are all just fractals of them, spread across time and space and housed in a body of solid matter, racial prejudice comes from a misunderstanding of our true origins. Black people here in our world being linked to the first root race to be seeded may feel they're the original human beings and everybody else came out of  them but that is far from the whole truth, whites who are directly linked to the root race currently inhabiting the center may feel superior to the other races here because they're the new gods (being at the center i.e enlightened and highly advanced) but that is also another misconception, the same goes for the other two races. These various worlds are separated from each other by ice barriers and energetic barriers known as toroidal fields or Van Allen belts, there are times (cosmic seconds, minutes, hours) when these barriers open up allowing travel between worlds, and during the golden age all these barriers disappear and all four corners of the world becomes accessible, the barriers only return during the iron age sealing various beings in their native domains and away from each other and halting the exchange of knowledge and resources, again part of the grand scheme of the universe. Everything is arranged by intelligent design and nothing is ever random. Each earthly plane has it's own ecosystem of flora and fauna native to it, also in addition to various civilizations and cultures, histories and economies etc. Contact with each other has led to expansions and decline of civilizations, colonizations, conflicts and interbreeding between species and races leading to the existence of mixed races, hybrids and socio-cultural influences. For example in our world (Atlantis), the native root race is the Indian race, all other races here on this earth is a mix of the Atlantean race and others due to past contact. Everybody here in our world including myself (the writer of this article) is an Atlantean, each world has it's own unique frequency and to be in one you have to vibrate with it's frequency. It's no wonder Tibetan monks spend their entire life working on their spiritual growth and raising their vibration because it is their goal to match the frequency of Shambala (the center) so they can move to that sacred land, either physically or through reincarnation. Anyone who tries to breach the various toroidal fields without being in tune with the world beyond it will be instantly killed by radiation. It is also worth mentioning that some of the beings from the other side most notably the centermost realm are in possession of crafts that can transcend these barriers and are known to visit our world from time to time even taking people from our side along with them (alien abductions).
The word alien translated means foreign or foreigner, extraterrestrial is a combination of the two words extra which means 'more of' and terrestrial which comes from the root word 'terrain' which means land. Hence extraterrestrial means coming from additional lands that is the lands beyond the poles. So aliens are technically foreigners from other lands, and should any of us migrate to another place from where we are originally from, we become aliens. Another red pill to swallow and this is for the flat earth community is that space is not fake, space is real but not what mainstream presents, definitely not the world in the stars above, we can't transverse those etheric worlds in our solid matter forms, thats not possible and the unbreakable glass ceiling above known as the firmament exists to ensure that. To travel in the realms above you have to be a star or a conscious angle of light (Angel). So space isn't a vacuum above but the other lands beyond the Van Allen belts, space isn't up and up into pitch black nothingness, space is up and sideways. When NASA talks about trying to go beyond lower earth orbit, what they're actually trying to do is to breach the Van Allen belt and enter the land on the other side. The footage from probes sent to space and the planetary bodies are actually not sent to the luminaries above but the lands illuminated by them, when they claim they are going to Mars they actually are, except it's not Mars the planet but the land illuminated by Mars as a sun. The planetary bodies (our sun and moon included) are semi-etheric bodies, inhabited by energetic beings (souls) that influence the thoughts and actions of mankind and the other beings on the various earthly domains, positively from above and negatively from below (Pluto). So whenever a person sun-gazes or moon-gazes they're actually communicating with those beings above and receiving information. Also worth taking note are there also planetary bodies outside our earthly domains and above the firmament these are the exo-planets like Uranus and Neptune and down below the hellish firmament is Pluto (Hades), there are also subplanetry bodies, what mainstream science calls the satellites of the various planets, asteriods, etc.
As I explained earlier in my previous article on the cosmic egg, the pyramid like structure of the earth has concentric rings of land above and another four below. The lands below are populated by monstrous creatures and cities with reptilian beings and other non-human entities. These are places I wouldn't recommend any of my readers to go to.
To conclude today's topic we've covered the meaning and origins of root races and extraterrestrials. Now I'll end with the purpose of our existence across the various earthly domains. Our purpose is to learn, transcend and ascend the 3D construct of the earthly realms to the higher dimensions above and eventually back to source (Primordial Void or God/Divine Mind/Monad). We in our physical bodies are just fractals or probes sent out to various timelines and lands to gather information (experiences) which we will eventually take back to our original Polarian selves. Our bodies are just avatars or vehicles housing portions of our true divine selves. The physical world originally intended to be like a class or testing ground has been hijacked by dark entities known as Archons and turned into a prison where souls are trapped in a loop known as the reincarnation cycle so these being can feed off our energies, it is therefore our duty to individually and collectively raise our vibrations and break free of these constraints. I'll expand on this in the next article.
I bid you all farewell again and catch me on my next article.
Peace and positivity to all.
Ad Astra 🌟🌠✨
Below is a link to a YouTube video on Hyperborea. Enjoy.

Sunday, 27 November 2022

Darkness Is Not Evil : The Black Sun And The Demonization Of Blackness Explained

Hello everyone,
It's Qwecy Kwabi here again with another mind blowing universal truth.
Today's topic will dig into some really controversial social issues which might not sit well with some readers, so brace yourself for a bumpy descent through this rabbit hole.
In the new age movement and modern day spirituality cirlces there's a strong emphasis on light and love both generally good concepts and necessary for a person's development spiritually but the darker aspects of life is usually overlooked and the ones who do put in the time and effort the dark side view it as a beast or monster that needs to be tamed or a shadow that needs to be enlightened. It's true 'shadow work' can be very turbulent to say the least, however viewing it from the a negative lens is far from the whole truth. See a link to shadow work below
The much older established religions of the world most notably the three Abrahamic religions also share a similar concept of light being all that is good and true and darkness being synonymous with evil.
Outside the scope of religion and spirituality and into our everyday lives these two concepts are prevalent as well, when a person goes through hard times or a bad situation they call it a dark period of their life and when a person discovers a spiritual calling or conforms to accepted norms or morality, it is said that they have seen the light or have become enlightened, the color white is synonymous with light and black being dark, the black sheep is the outcast, painting someone black means in a bad 'light', being whitelisted means being accepted and being blacklisted means rejected and it goes on and on. In the entertainment industry this same theme is repeatedly used as well. In Star Wars, Luke Skywalker and the Jedi being on the side of the light are the good guys and Darth Vader and the Sith being on the dark side are the bad guys, movies, shows and music are said to have a lighter tone when they are comedic or even romantic but those that are more serious or gritty are said to have a darker tone. In tech ethical hackers are called white hats and malicious hackers are referred to as black hats. When you look at it all everything about our existence operates on this dualistic principle of light and darkness, good and evil. By virtue of said principle we virtually live in a black and white world. This concept goes way beyond contemporary times and historically the period after the fall of the Roman empire and the decline of civilization in Europe has been referred to as the dark ages. To get a clearer picture of it all let's go back to the golden age of the Roman empire, the period known as the Pax Romana.
In AD 313, the great Roman emperor Constantine decriminalized the Judean Nazarene faith with the edict of Milan and in AD 325 he convened with the patriarchs of the new religious sect in the first council of Nicaea to further establish it as the official religion of the Roman empire. The belief systems, customs and practices of other religions at the time were incorporated into the new religion and modified to fit into the narrative of the amalgamated religion which became Christianity. By AD 380 Christianity has grown to become a large encompassing religious entity and the Nicaean Catholic Church was the official church of the Roman empire. Below is a link to the Wikipedia article on the Council of Nicaea
Christianity which is by far the world's greatest religion spread far and across the world with an overarching principle of repentance from the ways of the world which is regarded as sinful (evil) and darkness and the promise of acceptance into the kingdom of God in heaven above which is the embodiment of light and goodness. Those who rejected this kind offer were damned to perish in a lake of fire known as hell.
By the fourteenth century Christian principles which had become synonymous with morality and was extended not only onto the conduct of mankind but also eventually on race as well. People with lighter skin tones (Caucasians) became known as white which stood for purity and people with darker skin (Melanated) were referred to as black meaning evil. Armed with this religiously backed ideology of racial and moral superiority the white race has committed numerous atrocities against dark-skinned people across the world from the horrors of slavery and colonialism to segregation and even to this very day and age racism is very much alive and in full effect. The descendants of these white supremacists to this very day still hold such ideologies programmed into them from childhood and would not hesitate to use violent means to express their views.
Now let's get down to what the black sun is and how it ties into all this. Mind you, what I wrote earlier is not for racial bashing or to judge others based on something as irrelevant as skin color but rather to the reader how disastrous the effects of ignorance could be. Ignorance is the real enemy and that's what my fight is against, my goal is to open the eyes of people to obvious truth in front of them that cannot see for themselves. Now to the good stuff!
To understand what the black sun is let's go all the way back to ancient Egypt known as Kemet during those times. The ancient Egyptians or Kemetic people worshipped a plethora of deities known as the Neteru, these included Auset (Isis), Heru (Horus), Ra, Ma'at and Osiris among others. These deities or gods were personifications of aspects of nature and the universe as a whole for example Ra who was the personification of the sun and Khonsu who was the personification of the moon. There however was a second mysterious sun god who was not only the personification of another sun (yes a second sun!) but was also known as the hidden one. This deity known as Amun and later Amen came to be known as the highest god in the Egyptian pantheon and was later coflated with the sun god Ra to become Amun-Ra or Amen-Ra. The named of Amen was invoked anytime somebody said a prayer during those times to ensure whatever they wished for manifested. Amen's sun which was a mystical black sun beyond the domain of the white sun above us (Ra) which gave light and life to the earth, rather powered our spirit and possessed the ability to grant our wishes and desires which we communicated to it. When Christianity became fully established after AD 325 invoking the name Amen was syncretized into the religion it became a norm to say Amen after a prayer. Also closing your eyes during prayers (copied from Egypt) was a way of tuning into the black sun, even to this very day and age most people unknowingly do it, praying or making a wish the eyes closed. So powerful was the color black that the ancient Greeks originally portrayed their gods as black, and the Christian Bible in books of Daniel 7-9, Daniel 10-6 and Revelations 1-14 describe the Ancient of days (God) and the son of man (Jesus) as having a skin like bronze and hair like wool, which directly translates to a black man with grey hair, it's no coincidence Morgan Freeman was chosen to play God in the movie Bruce Almighty. Hollywood knows more than we think and they're not afraid to rub it in our faces. Adolf Hitler who was by far one of the most despicable people to walk the earth through occult research became obsessed with the black sun and even incorporated it into Nazi symbolism but for him it was to terrorize and control, Neo-Nazis today have also adopted the same emblem. The Vatican which is a vital part of the power structure of the world, the so-called global elites are also fully aware of the divine connotations of blackness and has images and statues (idols) of black Mary and Jesus, whilst propagating false white supremacy behind closed doors they worship blackness, it's no wonder a photo of the Pope and another Catholic clergyman bowing down to black statues made rounds on the internet, they know exactly what they're doing and they make no attempt to hide anything. The Bible in the first chapter also clearly states that God formed the world out of darkness. As humans we're formed in darkness in the womb of our mothers, a vast majority of people on earth in the dark with the lights off because they feel much comfortable that way. I could go on and on about the benefits and divinity of blackness or darkness but I think I've got my point across by now.
So if darkness is not evil why then has it been so demonized? The answer is quite simple, ignorance and misconstruction of the concept of duality. In the book of Genesis from the Christian Bible before God said 'let there be light' there was nothing but the eternal void of nothingness, a primordial darkness that was and has always been, the light came out of darkness, before that there was the zero point of balance, close your eyes for some time in a meditative state and you'll directly experience that state of calm and balance. Imagine being peaceful asleep in a room with the light off and out of the blue someone turns on the light, yes! My point exactly haha, so the light which was a part of the eternal void (primordial darkness) was separated from the dark and that led to an imbalance that led to the clash between the two. The light being erroneously portrayed as positive and the darkness being the negative constant is as a result of a misconstruction of ancient dualistic principles over the ages of human civilization, the darkness being the opposer of all that is good and light and even at times seen as a destroyer (death) but when critically observed the light is the antagonizer, aggressively opposing and enforcing it's will on the dark. Light can blind a person, darkness does not, the devil who's the so-called prince of darkness and enemy of God is referred to as a being of light in the Bible, names such Lucifer son of the morning, the morning star and the light bringer all proves that point. In human history and interactions lighter skinned people have by far oppressed and done untold horrific deeds to people of darker complexions, again no racial bashing just stating an obvious fact.
I could again go on and on about light being an agressor and antagonist but I do think I have got my point across by now. Does that mean light is evil and darkness is good? Of course not! There's good and evil on both sides of the coin.
To conclude today's topic, there's light and there's darkness, there's good and there's evil, this goes beyond both spectrums and it would be foolish to confuse the dark for evil and the light for purity (good), it takes discernment to beyond the duality of these polar opposites. It takes the wisdom of darkness to appreciate the light.
With all that said I bid you all farewell and catch me later on the next article.
Positivity and wisdom to all.
Amen ⚫
Below is a link to a YouTube video on the black sun

Sunday, 20 November 2022

The Cosmic Egg Theory Explained

Hello everyone,
This is Qwecy Kwabi and today I'm here to blow your minds with this amazing concept of the universe. Sit back, relax and enjoy.
Ever wondered who or what we are? Where we are? Where we are from and where we are going? This should be one of the top most important things in the life of every sentient being living in our earthly domain but sadly people are too focused on the trivialries of this world to rediscover their true nature and purpose in this world.
So what at all is the cosmic egg and why is it so important? Well, the cosmic egg is a hypothesis that suggests our universe and everything within it's spectrum is contained within a shell, something the ancients pictured as an egg, hence the term cosmic egg. Various unconnected cultures across the world all spoke of this same concept, from the Norse people to Native American civilizations, Africans and Asian cultures all shared a similar belief the universe being contained within an egg-like outer shell and in some mythologies the egg cracked and the universe was born. The earth was depicted as being a stationary plane on water, sometimes envisioned as a pyramid with various layers of land separated from each other with the planetary bodies and stars above and cointained within a glass-like dome structure, something the Abrahamic religions referred to as the 'firmament' modern day flat earth conspiracy theorists also share a similar opinion of a geocentric (earth being the center of the universe) earth, which is a flat plane of land with the sun, moon, planets and stars all fixed under a glass dome (firmament). Here's the Wikipedia article on the cosmic egg mythologies of the various cultures of the world.
Modern day mainstream science has it's own concept of the cosmic egg which they term as the Cosmic Microwave Background or the Background Microwave Radiation. Known as leftover particles from the big bang encompassing the observable physical universe. The mythological cosmic egg concept was figuratively re-adopted by modern science in the 1930s and explored by theoreticians over the years. Check the link to the official NASA page on the cosmic egg (CMB).
We live in an age where people have varying opinions and concepts of the what the very earth we stand on should look like. The mainstream consensus propagated by modern science is that the earth is a round ball of rock spinning in the emptiness of space on the other hand are the flat earthers who believe the earth is an endless flat plane under a glass dome and there are even people who believe the earth to be hollow on the inside. I am of a different opinion, one that combine elements of all three theories, to best understand what I'm about to break down, I urge everyone to research Vedic (Hindu) cosmology and also Norse cosmology as well. I'll be taking cues from the work of a great researcher named Martin Kenny, an expert in the field of syncretism. Watch the video in the link below to get a clear picture of the point I'll be making.
According to the syncretic research of Mr. Kenny and my own research and innerstanding, our observable physical universe is contained in a shell like I explained earlier, to shield itself from the emptiness out of which it was formed, within it are three energetic (vibrational frequencies) levels, positive (above) neutral (middle) and negative (below) all interlinked by a central magnetic pole from the very top to the bottom of the cosmic egg, this energetic pole is known as the axis mundi. Above are etheric (non-material) domains, below them are the material earthly planes separated from the ethereal realms by the glass-like structure of the firmament. The are four earthly domains separated from each other by energetic barriers known as the toroidal fields or Van Allen belts, the centermost realm, beyond the north pole closest to the axis mundi has four continents and a central landmass through which the axis mundi passes, often depicted by the ancients as a holy mountain or a tree (tree of life), the centermost earthly domain is a submerged realm known by many names including the garden of Eden, Agartha, Shambala and Midgard (i.e Middle Garden) among, being closer to the center of the universe or the axis mundi, it's a place of enlightenment and positivity, the next earthly realm is our world (Atlantis), next is the land beyond the south pole also known as Lemuria, the last earthly domain is the ancient land of Hyperborea, oldest of all the material earthly planes. The earthy realms have their own ecosystems, root races and solar systems, with the various planetary bodies hovering above them as luminaries (suns and moons), beneath are also land forms (four of them) with cities and inhabited by non-human entities sometimes depicted as reptilians, most notably the Nagas of Buddhist and Hindu legends. Below the subterranean land masses the deep primordial ocean sometimes depicted as a turtle by the ancient legends, far beneath the ocean are the hellish domains composed entirely of negative energy. Outside the cosmic egg is the expanse of nothingness, the source of all existence and possibly other cosmic eggs as well because matter is infinite. Time, space and matter are the three building blocks of the universe.
With all this said we can conclude there's more to the universe than we know and the hypothesis I have provided so far should be taken with a grain of salt, I urge each and everyone to do their own research on this very topic and to question everything. I do believe the scientists at NASA, the flat earthers and hollow earth theorists are all right, each person see the universe from their own perspective like fabled blind men of Hindustan put into a room with an elephant.
I bid you all farewell for now and catch me later on the next article.
Peace, love and light to all.
AsΓ© πŸ™πŸΎ

Saturday, 12 November 2022

Saturn Was The Sun: The Saturn Moon Matrix And The Golden Age Of Saturn Explained

Hello everyone, I'm Qwecy Kwabi and today I'm here with esoteric knowledge on the planetary being known as Saturn. Coincidentally this article was written and published on a Saturday, which literally means 'Saturn's Day', right! Now let's dive in.
Ever wondered why people wear rings on weddings? Why Saturday is considered a sacred day by some religions? And why time is equated with money? I'll explain as we go further into the topic.
In mainstream science the planet Saturn is the sixth planet in our solar system and a gas giant or what scientists refer to as a failed star because it has the same chemical composition as stars most notably the sun. Also telescopic images of Saturn's north pole has shown a formation that looks like a hexagram or six pointed star which emits an Aurora. The planet is also notable for the rings which rotate around it which is primarily made up of ice. See the Wikipedia article on Saturn for more information.
The planet got it's name from the Roman god of the same name who was the god of wealth and agriculture, he was also the equivalent of the Greek titan Cronus, who was also an agricultural deity  and  the father of Zeus, the Greek equivalent of Jupiter. Notable for the castration and murder of his father Ouranous with a scythe or a sickle, the primordial god whom the planet Uranus is named after, Cronus was later conflated with the primordial god of time Kronos who's coincidentally another wielder of a sickle, that same being has been over the course of history reimagined as Father Time and also the grim reaper because according to Greek mythology Cronus ate his own children in a futile attempt to avert his own death at the hands of one of his offsprings, and also because all living things die eventually over time, hence time is the collector of souls or death personified, terrifying right? Let's move on.
In alchemy which is the occultic precursor of mainstream chemistry, Saturn is the element used in binding spirits into matter, in astrology Saturn is viewed as a malevolent planetary symbol and the bringer of karma, and a widely known fact within modern truther community is that Saturn is contained within an invisible black cube and a frequency known as a sine wave is emitted from the planet which is then transmitted to the earth through our moon which also amplifies it, that frequency is a time frequency said to be the cause of the unbalanced and evil nature of our world. The representative symbol of a sine wave is in the form of an overturned dollar sign, time is money right? It may be coincidental for some but a mindful person knows better. Symbolism is the way the powers that be hide truths in plain sight because the best place hide anything is in plain sight, nobody will bother looking for what's in front of them, that's reverse psychology. The black cube has been represented all across the world from religion to the entertainment industry with music videos depicting celebrities in cubes, the black cube in the 2001 movie, planet of the apes and other movies as well, the Kaaba (which is a black cube) in Mecca, the small black cube on the head gear of Jewish priests, the black cube monuments in Manhattan, Santa Ana, Australia and Denmark. That begs the question, why a black cube? Well a cube is a six sided figure just like the hexagram or six pointed star at the top of Saturn, hexagram comes from the root word hex, which means curse. Not surprisingly the ancients referred to a time when Saturn existed without it's rings but it was destroyed, chained with it's rings and cursed (that is hexed or put into the black box or cube), again not surprisingly, the word box has been used in our everyday language to refer to a restriction or being boxed that is being restricted. So are we being fed a frequency from a cursed or boxed celestial entity thereby putting us in our current state? Yes we are, some world religions, most notably the three Abrahamic can testify to that. Restrictions on conduct most especially enforced on women and the attribution of anything contrary to religious beliefs as a sin, the Bible clearly states that we're all born in sin but when critically observed through a mindful lens we're actually born in sine, the time frequency wave from Saturn, hence born in time, the 'e' was just removed from sine making it sin, there are more to words than the average person knows but I'll go into that on another topic. Remember I raised a question earlier about why people wear rings on weddings? Well now you know, the rings represents Saturn who's the 'Lord Of The Rings' and the book and movie series of the same name is a reference to that. The main villian of the Lord Of The Rings is named Sauron which is another name for Saturn, also Satan is the later Latin spelling of name Saturn, we're in Satan's world after all, aren't we?
The number six of which Saturn is designated is esoterically the mundane number, the number of the physical world or the worldly number, referred to as a weak number or a vile one, it is oftentimes associated with the mundane concepts of money, power, sex (which not surprisingly sounds like six, clever wordplay am I right?) and anything outside of spirituality. Remember I said earlier that Saturn is alchemical element for binding spirits into solid matter? Well we're all spirit beings (souled humans for that matter) trapped in matter and who put us here? Well you know who. Saturn or Satan has been reffered to as the god of the world and the Bible explicitly states that. Saturn symbolism is everywhere including engraved images in cathedrals and other religious motifs, across the entertainment industry (Sega Saturn haha), and a whole lot more, everything thing in this world is about planet six, we're in his world and he's our god. This is what has been reffered by some conspiracy theorists most notably David Icke as The Saturn Moon Matrix. See the link below for more information.
So why the moon? Well the moon is known to work in conjunction with Saturn to keep souls trapped in the matrix (this world), this knowledge goes far beyond modern spiritual and truther communities. In ancient Greece a group of truth seekers known as the Gnostics were heavily persecuted by the early Christian church because they believed in something other than the established narrative of the church. They believed that our world was not the actual one but a replica of a much more more divine and perfect one known as the Pleroma and the author behind our world was an imposter deity known Yaldabaoth or the Demiurge, who claimed to be the supreme God but was actually a rogue avatar of the actual unknown God, whom they referred to as the Monad or the one, the source of everything that exists, according to Gnostic teachings Yaldabaoth was formed from chaos, that is the absence of the light of God, by an emanation of God known as Sophia which represented the wisdom of God, this being wanting to create something without the permission of the Monad ended up creating a monstrous entity with the body of a serpent and the head of a lion, ashamed of her act Sophia hid her creation under a cloud beyond the higher heaven, alone in the darkness of nothingness Yaldabaoth or the Demiurge saw himself as the only being in existence, completely ignorant of the heavens and beings above him including his mother Sophia and set about creating a world of his own and declaring himself as the one true god, a world he created unknowingly with the light of Sophia, this brash pompous entity is the creator of this world we're in according to the Gnostics and also the author of our physical bodies but our spirit or souls comes from the light domain of the Pleroma which he siphoned and placed into containers (bodies) so our goal according to them was to break free of our physical body and ascend back home to the Pleroma, something the Demiurge and his minions known as Archons try to prevent by catching souls after people die and funneling them back to this world through the moon. The Demiurge according to the Gnostics was also the biblical God of the old testament, the Hebrew god Yahweh and also Saturn, they cited his jealousy, his harsh judgement on people who broke laws or did not serve him as their god, the atrocities committed in his name and overall warlike and vengeful character traits set him apart from the loving and forgiving God of the new testament who was the Monad and thus Jesus Christ came to the earth to save us from the Demiurge and lead us back home. This beliefs of theirs greatly conflicted with that of the church's ideology of the God of both the old and new testament being the same and led to their persecution. I wouldn't say everything the Gnostics advocated for was accurate, I recommend taking this with a grain of salt and doing your own research. So we now have a vivid picture of the nature of our world and what power is behind it, in the next paragraphs I'm going to explain why Saturn became so important not only because of the planet's association with a dark deity but because of what it stands for within human consciousness and our journey towards ascension and most importantly why we shouldn't fear or subscribe to the ideology of this world's Saturn cult obsessed with sex, money and power.
The reason I say Saturn was the sun was because it actually was. There was a time in our history when the luminary of the earth was Saturn. Ancient historians and writers most notably the Greek poet Hesiod spoke of a golden age when mankind lived in bliss and there was no strife, the people who inhabited the world were known as the Hyperboreans and Saturn was the sun during that golden age. The Sumerians and Babylonians referred to Saturn as the sun, even the ancient Egyptians at some point before the role of the sun was handed over to Ra (our current sun).
Even modern science has attested to that and there are some scientists who have theorized that the earth was once a satellite of Saturn, and we were shifted out of it's orbit due to a cataclysm.
With Saturn above us during those times, the ecosystem on earth might have been completely different from what we have now, there was plenty and the lack we see nowadays which leads to strife was non-existent, as I said earlier Saturn is the god of wealth and agriculture, so with this being hovering over the earth we can only imagine how it was back then.
Such was the impact of the Saturnian era that it has been imbedded in the collective consciousness of humanity and deep within us we long to go back to that golden age. From the celebration of Saturnalia by the Roman's at the of the year in December, which was a festival of joy, freedom and giving of gifts which was rebranded to Christmas by the Council of Nicea during AD 326 after Christianity became the established religion of the Roman empire, not much has changed since then as during Christmas in contemporary times people are in a jovial and giving mood as the Romans because unknowingly deep within our subconscious we're putting ourselves back in a state of mind reminiscent of the golden age.
So how did Saturn switch from a benevolent celestial entity to a malevolent sky father who imposes a harsh reality on earth? It all comes down to a cataclysmic event which happened in heavens in the distant past which was witnessed on earth. There was what appeared to be a clash of the planetary bodies, possibly them shifting out of their orbits and crashing into each other. Saturn exploded and later reappeared back in the heavens no longer in it's former glory and bound by rings, a new sun (our current sun Sol) took it's place and we shifted into a new age. The event in the heavens caused massive natural disasters across the world and brought about the end of the highly advanced civilization that inhabited the earth at the time, the survivors restarted from the ruins and carried with them memories of the golden age, legends which has been passed down from generations to generations.
Our current existence is what has been termed as a 3D or three dimensional existence, the people who inhabited the world during the golden age must have been in 5D existence, human consciousness on earth was in the fifth dimension and we live in perfect unity with each other, nature and the spiritual world, there was no strife and no being caused harm to another, a Utopia like the biblical garden of Eden.
Saturn which was sun at that time was highy revered as a bringer of light, abundance of food and was also instrumental in the calculation of time (just as our current sun used to be or still is), it was no surprise the seventh day during antiquity (Saturday) was named in it's honor.
We like our our ancient ancestors are all sun worshippers (red pill trigger alert) from the Christian to church on Sunday (Sun-day) or the Jew observing the Sabbath on Saturday (Saturn's Day), consciously or unconsciously we all revere the sun and it beyond religious or spiritual beliefs and whilst Saturn may not be the luminary during our day, his influence on us is visibly everywhere albeit in a dark sense, what is referred to as the death cult of Saturn. Check link below to read more on it.
So is there a way for mankind to ever go back to an existence like the golden age? Yes there is. The ancients referred to human consciousness as being in for cycles, the golden age, the silver age, the bronze age and the current age we're gradually shifting out of, the iron age. The Vedic masters (Hindus) called it the Yuga cycles, our current cycle is Kali Yuga, the age of strife and imbalance and the golden age is Satya Yuga and during the golden age the god Satyvrata who's the Vedic counterpart ruled skies and Dharma (morality) stood on four legs.
Satyvrata (Saturn) is the Lord of karma and our current harsh reality we feel is being imposed on us could possibly be him reflecting back the energy we put out to him, mostly likely our ancestors due to the abundance of resources and prosperity during the golden age grew complacent and pompous like most people do in our time and began to tamper with the natural order of things and that led to their fall. The fabled city of Atlantis and the tower of Babel from the Bible can attest to human beings messing with nature and nature clapping back in a disastrous fashion.
With all that said I strongly believe that through enlightenment and harmonious coexistence with each other and the world around us we can collectively shift from our current reality to the golden age of Saturn. I bid you all farewell and catch me on the next article on my blog.
Peace, Love and Positivity to all
Happy Saturn's Day πŸ™πŸΎπŸ€❤️
Check links below for the Wikipedia article on the golden age YouTube video on the topic.

Sunday, 6 November 2022

Time And Reincarnation Cycles Explained

Hello everyone.
I'm Qwecy Kwabi, a self-published author, blogger (no pun intended) and a seeker of universal truth.
Today I'm here with a theory that will boggle the mind of anyone reading it and that theory is the relation between non-linear time and reincarnation, simply put time (past, present and future) play a part in where the consciousness of a person will end up. If you are not familiar with the concept of reincarnation and life cycles, I'll urge you to do some research on it, we're in the age of information now as they say and there's absolutely nothing you cannot find on the internet, mind you though there's false information everywhere and you should definitely take everything you see with a grain of salt.
Now back to today's topic, as I was saying reincarnation is very real and not just a religious ideology or trope in modern day pseudoscience and new age spiritually circles but a scientifically proven fact. Check this link below for more information
Reincarnation has been attributed to the phenomenon known as Deja Vu and there's even instances of people supposedly recollecting events from past lives. That said reincarnation is something that cannot be overlooked, so how does it all tie up into time? Well the mainstream consensus says time is a linear path always moving in a forward motion but there are some (including scientists and researchers) who are of a different opinion. These people theorize that time is not as linear as we're made to believe but in fact events from the past and possible futures all exist simultaneously and the reason we cannot experience non-linear time is because we are in time and to view all points in time running concurrently, we have to move to a place outside of the constraints of time, a place outside space and time. check out this link
That being said whenever a person dies their consciousness or what some refer to as a soul moves to such a place, that is outside of space, time and physical matter before they're recycled back to the matrix or simply put our world. I used the word 'matrix' not only as a reference to the movie of the same name (which is actually a fictionalized documentary) but because we live in a construct like the matrix, this world is not as 'real' as we may believe it to be actually an illusion appearing to be real, this is not just a fringe science theory but a fact acknowledged in the mainstream by the likes of Elon Musk and some NASA scientists, there's even knowledge of our world being an illusion in antiquity by the likes of Plato in his literary work The Allegory Of The Cave, William Shakespeare regarded as one of the greatest writers of all time also made a reference to the grand illusion of this world by quoting 'The world is a stage and we're all actors playing our parts and we'll leave when our time is due', that said I leave it to the reader to delve into research on the topic of the world being an illusion to either prove or disprove it.
Going back reincarnation and how's it's intertwined with time, when a person dies and their soul or consciousness is separated from their physical body, it moves to a whole different reality outside the domain of linear time, space and physical matter from where it is recycled back into matter not only in a new different body but also in a different timeline be it the past, present or future. Whilst there's been no solid scientific research to prove this notion, it's still a theory worth looking into. Some clues to explain this theoretical idea are the reason why some people are so wise beyond their years and so far forward in their thinking that it takes time for most people to finally grasp their message and why others are barbaric and backward thinkers. So essentially we're all time travelers from the past and future reincarnated into the present and vice versa. But then how does it all come to play? Well the simple answer is the universal law of cause and effect also known as karma which not only reflects back what we put out into the world but also carries over the consequences of our lives experience be it good or bad into the next cycle of experience, hence if you were an oppressor in your previous life you'll find yourself oppressed in your current life not as a punishment but a lesson, to reform and put you in a better position to transcend and break free from this realm and the reincarnation cycle. That said these lessons goes beyond linear time and person's consciousness based on their karma can be sent backwards or forward from the point of time they exited after they died. For example a serial killer from 2022 can be reincarnated into ancient Rome as a gladiator fighting for life in the coliseum against much stronger opponents and the lists goes on and on. Check out this link for more information on karma and reincarnation.
With all that said I leave my readers to take everything I said with a grain of salt and do their own research to prove or disprove this theory of mine. I bid you all farewell and catch up with me on the next the next article.
Peace, light and love to all.
Namaste πŸ™πŸΎ❤️🌞